Movie Date- Billy Hargrove

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You're a senior in high school who comes from a good family, has excellent grades, and is most known for being kind and helpful to others. And while you were not queen bee of the school, you were undoubtedly pretty. A perfect example of a princess. And a particular bad boy had his eyes set on you. Billy Hargrove, the new guy in town from California, the school's rising king, and the hottest attraction. He had flirted with you already several times but you always said no... until you finally said yes.

On a particularly boring day at school, you were piling your textbooks in your locker when once again, Billy appeared beside you and leaned his arm against the wall of lockers with that sexy smirk of his. He was roughly six inches taller than you, your head only reaching his shoulders as he looked down at you.

"Hey, Y/n. Got any plans after school?", he asked, no doubt wanting to ask you on a date again.

"No, actually, I don't.", you replied while shutting your locker and turning to face him.

"How about I take you to the movies then?", he offered with a sweet but obviously flirty smile. 

Truthfully, you were actually thrilled that Billy, the local bad boy, was trying so hard to get with you. Even if it was just for a fling, you liked the attention. Being a good girl can be so boring. And while you knew that you could have fun with Billy, a part of you this whole time didn't want to let go of the chase. But now, everytime you see him with that smirk on his face and that look in his eyes, you crave him more and more. Maybe it's time you finally said yes?

"Okay, Hargrove. I'll go to the movies with you.", you agreed, and for a moment you could see the surprise on his face making you regret saying yes for just a second. 

After that moment, Billy's smirk returned as he continued to look down at you in your (y/e/c) eyes, "So I've finally got you. What's changed?", he asked.

You cast away that slight feeling of regret as you replied all nonchalant, "Nothing. I just decided to indulge you. But, now that you've got me...", you stepped closer towards him, never breaking eye contact, and whispered, "You better make it worth it.", you smirked back at him with confidence which only made him that much more excited.

"Pick me up at 8.", you demanded before turning around and walking away.

=Time Skip=

At your home, you spent an hour and a half getting ready for your first date with Billy. Not only were you nervous but you were also incredibly excited. For the date, you decided on a tight plaid skirt with a soft crop sweater and white tennis shoes. Simple, cute, and a little easy to access. You may seem like a good girl, but every rose has its thorns. Your hair was curled loosely and your makeup done light with just a touch of blush, lip gloss, and mascara. With a little time to spare, you were stood in front of your full body mirror and checking over your outfit to make sure everything was just right. While gazing at yourself, you couldn't help but think about the things Billy might do on this date. Would he be sweet and chivalrous, perhaps? Would the two of you sit in the back of the theater? Would his hand find yours during the movie? Or would it find its way somewhere else on your body? 

Suddenly, you broke out of your thoughts at the sound of your doorbell before it could lead anywhere else. You grabbed your purse and raced down the stairs stopping before your front door. You opened your door to see Billy standing there staring off to the side, wearing a tight white shirt tucked into a pair of nice crisp jeans with a belt and a jean jacket. At the sound of your door opening he turned his head and his eyes widened just a bit as he gazed at you up and down. 

"Wow... you look beautiful, Y/n.", he finally met your gaze with a sweet smile, causing you to blush just a little.

"You don't look so bad yourself.", you replied happily.

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