A new student pt2

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[HELLO THIS WILL SADLY CONTAIN FOUL LANGUAGE AND ABUSE SO PLEASE BEWARE, also context from last chp basically Gwen was picked up early since Terrance found her doll house「the doll house was from their mother and they were supposed to throw all the mother belongings for a type of grieving」]

3rd POV:

Finney had asked Robin to let go and so robin did soon after Finney had started sprinting and
The five boys watch as finnney gets farther every second until Vance broke the silence by telling everyone that Blake forgot one of his textbooks.

Billy spoke up and said he knew where Finney lived and they should probably give it in after school if Finney didn't come back before lunch all of them agreed and continued lunch.

Finneys Pov:

As I ran home I saw something fly out Gwen's window, it was her Dollhouse I ran into the house and saw things being thrown into the living room which was Gwen's belongings Gwen was near my room gripping on her shirt while looking onto the floor and I heard Terrance screaming about the how she shouldn't have things from her mother, I knew my hate being reminded of our mom due to some circumstances I felt as if Gwen shouldn't see any of it so I grabbed her hand and ran out of the house and ran to the school park hoping that it's still lunch and good thing it was so I  saw Billy and his group and ran towards him wiping Gwen's face before arriving towards them.

Vance and griffin saw me and Gwen running w towards them and the waved making everyone else on the table turn around waving but soon after looked confused on who was behind me I sat down and made excuse but it seemed not to really work since griffin asked why Gwen's eyes were red, me and Gwen kept quiet which robin blurted out "we should go for ice cream after school?" Gwen flipped her head towards robin and smiled brightly saying yes many times in a cheerful voice I agreed and soon after lunch finished and Gwen decided to go back to her class.

Time skip to after schooo~

3rd POV:

Finney and Gwen walked together on the hallways and soon met up with the other who were waiting near the exit door robin lit up and said he knew a really good place that sells a bunch of flavors so everyone followed robin and as everyone continued walking robin went near Finney and started talking with him having a big grin on his face Finney soon after smiled back, everyone was cheerfully talking and soon made it to the ice cream store.

Robin and Vance decided to order the ice cream while everyone else sat down speaking after a few mins Vance and robin gave everyone there ice cream and proceeded to talk for a few hours hanging out in the store, after the ice cream everyone traded phone numbers and started walking home while robin stayed with Finney and Gwen since they go the same way, Robin continued to talk as Gwen and Finney listened and soon after robin left which made Finney upset and happy since he finally has friends but soon after Finney had remembered about his father.


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