TEN ::

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.



Kaylee sighed as she put her phone down on the couch, she was quite bored right now. "Hey do you guys want to do something today?" Kaylee asked the group that was also sitting in the living room.

"I mean you wanna watch a movie or something?" Tristan said to everyone, mostly Kaylee.

"Yeaaa, sure. What movie tho?" Madeline joined the conversation.

"Hm.. what about Purple Hearts?" Kaylee asked Madeline.

"Sounds good to me, Kaylee wanna help me grab snacks?" Miguel said to me.

"Uh yea sure." Kaylee said following Miguel into the kitchen.

Kaylee grabbed a few candies and chips before asking Miguel, "Why did you really call me in here." And he replied, "Well.. Nevermind!" Miguel quickly ran back into the living room like a child.

"Of course, I have to get the snacks myself." Kaylee mumbled to herself rolling her eyes.

Kaylee finished up in the kitchen making her way back into the living room plopping down beside Mason.

They had already started the movie and Kaylee was annoyed by that considering she hated when people would start movies without her.

Kaylee crossed her arms and sighed, they were already ten minutes into the movie. (please pretend it takes a normal human like 12 minutes to grab snacks)

"Why the grumpy face, Kay" Mason whispered softly in her ear making a small rose color form on her cheeks.

"You guys started the movie without me, while I wasn't here." Kaylee whispered back.

"Oh i'm sorry, blame Miguel for that." Mason whispered back a little bit too loudly.

"Can you two shut the fuck up so we can watch the movie?" Miguel said rolling his eyes.

"Language, Miguel." Madeline said to the boy she sat beside.

Kaylee just simpled flipped him off and put her eyes on the TV screen.

Kaylee just simpled flipped him off and put her eyes on the TV screen

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


okay so another short chapter, however I know that the next will be a little

bit longer, also I may not update for a few days cause I start school on Monday

and i'm hella stressed.. cause i'm going to a brand new school where i will know no one.

and one last thing, i found out that the total amount of chapters in this book will be 25, so only 15 more chapters to go..

k, bye love you guys !!


odd , mason thames Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat