After explaining what had happened to the three senseis, Robby went to sulk in the inside dojo. The senseis had agreed that they done the right thing complying with Conra Kai's wishes and that Tory would be fine. Robby was twirling a bo staff in anger when Johnny came in to try and calm his son down. "You made the right call. So did she."
"The right call would have been to knock that bastard out."
"Then everyone would have got in a fight and you'd be back in juvie."
"Yeah, but then they wouldn't have Tory, or even Mitch. How did we not see that he was a traitor? Who knows what he's told them. I wish I'd recognised it earlier, then we could have-."
"Robby." Johnny snapped. "Everyone made it home in one piece thanks to you not kicking off." Robby sighed still not comforted by that. "That needs to count for something. Tory can take care of herself. She's smart and tough and capable. If there's a chance for her to turn the tables, she'll take it."

/ /

Meanwhile, Tory was back with her least favourite person. Silver. He walked her through his mansion which might as well have been a HQ for Cobra Kai.

"Checking exits, numbers of men, weapons inventory. I'm impressed." Silver praised as he watched her. "I can definitely tell your brothers have taught you a few things. How's your marksmanship?"
"I don't know. Hand me that gun off the wall and we'll find out."
"Cool under pressure. I see Miyagi-Do's teaching you control."
"That's one of our differences. In Miyagi-Fang, they teach you to control yourself. Cobra Kai want to control everyone else."
"You have no idea what Cobra Kai is truly about." Silver snapped pushing her back against a wall.
"How well do you think this game of 'Let's kidnap Tory' is going to work out for you?" Tory asked as they came to a stop in front of dark double French doors.
"That's not my concern."
"Really? Then what is?"
"Keeping my promise." Silver said before opening one of the doors revealing Mike sitting on one of the couches in the drawing room. He stood up when he saw his daughter and looked at Silver confused. Tory stepped into the room slowly, unsure if this was better or worse.
"I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do." Silver said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

The father and daughter stood there just looking at each other for a few minutes; neither of them could remember a time when it was just them in the same room - not including the recent times when Mike was trying to learn more about Tory before he revealed his true identity. As Tory thought, Mike noticed something similar. "Look at that. The way you tilt your head. It's just like... Is it nature or nurture?" He smiled. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought you could tell me. I was out with my friends when Cobra Kai came and kidnapped me. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?"
"No. No, I didn't. Silver called me here about half an hour ago. Said he had something to show me. What did he mean about keeping his promise?"
"I think he's talking about how he said he would help me out after Sensei Kreese went to jail. Guess this is how he was planning to do that." She said gesturing at Mike. "Does this mess anything up for the trial? You know, me being here with you."
"No, there's not a no contact agreement. Although, I'm sure your brother will still find a way to blame me for this."
"Lucky for you he's not in the state." Tory said.
"He's not what?" Mike exploded making Tory take a step back. "This is why Jace can't be left in charge of minors."
"Hey. He only had to leave because you want to discuss his job in court." Tory defended.
Mike took a deep breath to calm down "Okay, let's just start over. You know, I had a plan... to tell you. But you figured it out too fast. It's a big moment. Father, daughter, family reunion. I wanted it to be perfect. I had a lot of making up to do, I still do.... My god. You are beautiful." He said getting distracted as he finally had a chance to properly look at his daughter. Tory took another step back, she was still uncomfortable with compliments from Robby, let alone a man who was practically a stranger to her. "Well, I don't know how much you remember about me or what you've been told but-"
Tory cut him off "You're a monster, a cruel teacher with unusual methods."
"Hey come on now, waxing cars is an unusual method."
"You taught Jace piano to make him better at twirling weapons and broke his fingers when he hit a wrong note!"
Mike looked down ashamed "I know. If I could take it back I would. I was a different person back then. I wasn't well, but I got help. From what I've heard you can relate."
Tory stormed up to him, her temper flaring "Don't you dare compare me to you. We are not the same. You have no idea what I had to deal with that made me that way."
"I'm sorry."
"Just give me the 18 years of child support you owe me and leave and we'll call it even."
"I can't do that, Victoria. And I don't want to." He sat down and breathed deeply again trying to calm down. "Do you know why I named you Victoria?"
"I didn't even know you were the one that chose it." Tory revealed. "Why did you? It's terribly old fashioned." She questioned and complained having always wondered why her parents chose that name.
"I was in England for a MMA tournament when your mom phoned to tell me she was pregnant. She was so excited, she couldn't wait until I came back. Kat loved Jace, but she wanted her own child as well. Anyway, I had won my match earlier that evening and I was out at a victory party at the local pub and it was called the Queen Victoria. I already knew that I was going to teach you how to fight, so obviously you would win, I just thought it was a fitting name."
"Hmm, clearly you never got the memo about what happened at the All Valley." Tory said sourly.
"I heard. Although, Silver claims you're lying."
"I'm not. I saw him paying off the ref."
"I believe you. It's a very Silver thing to do. But I also saw the footage, you were excellent."
"Just not good enough to win."
"Well, you didn't have me teaching you."
Tory scoffed "Okay, I know you've won..." she thought for a second "okay, like a lot. But you're not god's gift to karate. And you're certainly not the world's best teacher."
"Oh yeah, how many fights has your brother lost?" Mike retorted. Tory's mouth dropped open, she had no snarky response, the last time Jace lost a fight he was 10 years old and it was against their father. Mike stood up to look his daughter in the eye for the next part "Listen Victoria, this is the thing I want to say. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, that I couldn't protect you... that I couldn't teach you about the stars... or sing you to sleep." He was almost crying by this point "I know that I'm a terrible disappointment, but I'm here now. I'm gonna take care of you."
"Then get me out of here."
Mike sighed "It's not that simple." However, Tory took that as he wouldn't help and kicked off. "You can't say that you're sorry or that leaving was the worst mistake of your life and then have me kidnapped and locked up with you and team Cobra Kai. It's crazy and creepy, and I'm out of here." She turned on her heel and headed for the door whilst Mike reached out for her. Tory opened the door to find one of the senseis of the fist standing in front of it and another security guard coming up behind him. "Tell them to get out of the way." Tory demanded of her father.
"Sorry. Hello." Mike chuckled jogging over. "Little misunderstanding. A-as you were." He dismissed them shutting the door over and holding it shut for a few moments whilst he listened for retreating footsteps. "They don't matter." He told Victoria who stood beside him looking like he was crazy. "After today, none of them will matter." Mike walked away from the door.
"Of course they matter!" Tory shouted following him. "You work for Silver and for Cobra Kai. They are the bad guys. That makes you a bad guy."
"No, I don't! I don't work for Silver!" Mike exploded spinning around to face her. His sudden anger made Tory retreat back a few steps. "I could never! I needed him to get to you. He came to me, told me he had my daughter in his dojo, and came up with that stupid plan to get close to you first before I told you. He wanted to make sure you wouldn't leave the dojo. Obviously, that didn't work out. All this must be some kind of plan to get you back. I'm s-sorry." Mike said sitting down on the couch. Tory sat down next to her father starting to think that maybe he wasn't all bad. Mike began humming a tune and placed a hand on Tory's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "I've heard that before." Tory suddenly realised as the tune became familiar to her.
"We used to sing it to you when you were a baby."

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. One of Silver's butlers came in saying to Mike "Mr. Silver wants you." Mike held a finger up signalling that he needed a minute. "I'll make plenty of time to answer all of your questions later. But first, I need to take care of the man who destroyed my career and life. That should get you out of here."
"Wait, what?" Tory spat confused at where this sudden anger and hatred at Silver had come from. After her father left she cried a little feeling overwhelmed from the day's events and unsure if she could trust the man that gave her life. She wanted Robby, he'd be the best option to get her out of here since Jace and Alec weren't in the state.

/ /

"Ah! Mr. Barnes, I trust things are going well with Tory." Silver exclaimed sipping a whiskey on his luxurious leather couch.
"Silver, what the hell have you done?" Mike shouted.
"Are you complaining?"
"Well, no, not entirely. Just don't like being left out of the loop."
"Well, if I'd told you, you would have been an accessory, I thought you were a lawyer?"
"Yeah? And what about when my son or crazy sister-in-law uses this against me in court?"
Silver just laughed in response "Don't worry, Michael. I wasn't planning on letting you lose."

/ /

Unable and not allowed to do anything, Robby went back to Tory's apartment to look after Brandon. It was after sundown when someone walked through the door. Actually, two someones. "Oh, it's just you guys." Robby said disappointed as he sat back down.
"Yeah. Is Vic at work?" Alec asked moving into the apartment and dumping his bag, checking over the place. However, Jace stood where he had stopped just after entering the door. He could see from Robby's expression that Tory wasn't just out on a normal errand. "Where is she?" He asked with his hand resting on the door handle ready to throw it open and run back out.

Robby recounted the day's events to them and once he finished Jace exploded. "He's behind this. I know he is."
"You don't know that." Alec reminded him. Ever the sensible, reasonable one.
"Yeah, you don't know Cobra Kai. This is typical of them. Barnes might not have anything to do with it. I know you've got your issues with your dad but Silver's the real problem here." Robby explained but Jace wasn't hearing it.
"When I find him, I'm going to kill him." He stated completely serious opening the door and storming out.
"Here we go again." Alec sighed prepared to go after the blonde. However, the sound of a cellphone ringing made him stop.
"It's Tory!" Robby said relieved putting it on speaker. "Tor, are you okay? Where are you?"
"I'm okay. I had them drop me at the old Cobra Kai dojo."
"Okay, we'll come get you."

/ /

Alec swung his SUV into the strip mall parking lot and Robby jumped out of the passenger seat before he put the handbrake on, running towards the blonde. "Tory!"
"Robby!" She cried relieved to see a familiar, comforting face. Robby engulfed her in a hug as he whispered sweet words to her. "I missed you."
"I missed you too. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"
"No. I'm fine. Did Cobra Kai keep their word? Was there any fights?"
"No fights." Robby confirmed. Tory lifted her head from where it was buried in the crook of his neck only to spot Alec behind him. "Alec!" She called surprised. He walked forward having stayed back to let them have their moment. "You're back!" Tory said happily rushing forward.
"Yeah, apparently we missed a lot." He said towering over her in their hug.
"We?" Tory questioned. She looked around unable to see her brother anywhere. "Where is he?"
"I was kind of hoping you could tell me. He went to kill your father."

A/n: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Sorry it took so long. Thank you for being so patient with me as I started my new job and went on holiday. 🤍🤍 Also, once again, thank you for making this the No.1 Keenry story again!!! 💗

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