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November 6, 2010

Dear Super Junior,

Happy anniversary!

Our class did something embarrassing. We danced to Bonamana in front of the whole school. Everything was doing well but the song suddenly stopped halfway through the performance. >_< I was also the center so it was more embarrassing for me >.<( つ̥︣﹏╰̥̥)༼ ༎ຶ ᆺ ༎ຶ༽

I still haven't memorized all of you (>‿◠)✌ I know everybody's name now. I just don't whose face it belongs haha. I also now have a Twitter account now and followed some of you. I will try to follow the others if I can. Also, I like your hairstyle now compared to last year. I actually like your look now. And I can see some guys at school copying you.

Always cheering,

Sapphire BlueTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang