dear stranger

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Your POV

I ran and ran until I felt my lungs burning.My legs felt weak and my eyes stinged from my salty tears.I saw Chanyeol.

With another girl.

They were walking down the beach,hand in hand.I had no clue where I was.The only thing I cared about was Chanyeol.He didn't seem to notice my presence as he turned to the girl,cupping her face in his hands.Then he planted a soft kiss to her forehead like he always did to me before he went to work every morning.I felt my heart being torn to pieces.I turned around and ran somemore.


I slowly opened my swollen eyes,the light from a nearby window blinded me.For a moment,I thought I smelled coffee.I wasn't sure.The aroma clung in the air and the longer I smelled it,the more it seemed true.I wasn't dreaming.

"Hey,sleepyhead." A voice startled me and I forced myself to sit up.I was lying on a sofa and my head hurt terribly.I spun around to see the source of the voice and found myself face to face with a handsome guy.His hair was blondish and styled to reveal his forehead.He was squatting down to my level,smiling at me.

Heavens above,did you bless me with an angel? My thoughts rang loud and clear.

"Are you okay? Do you want something warm to drink?" he asked.I nodded slowly.Something warm would be fit nicely in my body system. "Okay,I'll fix you some hangover coffee." he grinned and stood up to leave.

I grabbed his arm and he looked at me. "Where am I?" I asked,not familiar with my surroundings.I saw a counter.A barista counter.Chairs and tables were arranged neatly around."You're in my cafe.Welcome to Coffee Stains Cafe," the guy grinned somemore and headed for the barista counter.I watched him as he made Hangover Coffee.His back view was nice.Broad shoulders and veins climbing up his arms.

I leaned back against the sofa,trying to recall last nights events.Oh yeah,I broke up.A wave of depression washed over me as I remembered Chanyeol.It was like drowning slowly, bit by bit.

"Hey,what's with all the frowning? I'm Xiumin by the way." He said,sliding in the seat across from me as he handed me a warm cup of coffee.I gave him a small smile. "I'm Y/N" I said.

"You've got a pretty name.So,tell me your story.I'd like to hear what happened to the drunken girl I found on the streets at five in the morning." Xiumin rested his chin on his hands and waited patiently for me to begin.I felt like a mother telling a bed time story to my child.

I cleared my throat and spilled every word out of me to this stranger I barely knew.A stranger who made my heart beat fast.A stranger who I somehow trusted.

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