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Hi, my name is Nyx Astra Black and I'm 25 years old. My name mostly of Greek origin, Nyx is one of the Primordial Gods, she's the Primordial Goddess of night, and Astra means star in Greek. (Marauders era fans know my last name reference) (A/N I'm a Slytherin, and a Reggie kinnie)

I've known Tony Stark for 9-ish years and let's just say that knowing someone for that long doesn't come without some consequences. Over those 9 years I have grown to love Tony, although I didn't want to admit it at first, and it has not been easy hiding it from him. (insert dramatic flashbacks here).

Some more things you should know about me is that I live in my own apartment although Tony has asked me countless times to live in Stark, now Avengers, Tower. I also love art, enough to have an art wall in my room. Nobody knows of my art wall, and I'm quite shocked about it to be honest, its only covered with a curtain, like dude, I have a random black and white curtain covering the entire wall closest to my bed (imagine it how you will but remember, it's an apartment) and nobody had asked about it, but maybe the window on the wall helps too.

I also have something else that nobody knows, except Nick, yes Nick, as in Nick Fury, and May and Ben as in May and Ben Parker. (A/N I physically couldn't kill Ben off) I have powers, I can shadow step, I can go invisible, I have a fast metabolism (like Peter as Spiderman but he's still very young at the start of this), I'm faster than the normal human, not by a noticeable amount though, as well as stronger. I have telekinesis and energy manipulation, and I can bend the basic elements (water, earth, air, fire), and I can change my appearance at will (kind of like a metamorphmagus for my fellow hp fans).

Nick has tried countless times to get me to join the avenger initiative (throughout the years I've been in hiding) but I refused, explaining that my being in love with Tiny *Tony would make it so much harder to be around Tony for so long without messing something up.

I'm also a genius, like I'm more than Tony Stark smart, not to brag or anything. I am an expert hacker, not going into that again- *aggressively stares at the fbi agent through the screen* I can speak almost every language and I'm very advanced in combat, I usually give Nat, a run for her money and Clint can confirm.

Once again, the only people that know of my abilities are Nick, May and Ben Parker, they're actually the only people that know almost everything about me. Nobody knows how smart I am or that I can hack for that matter except those three. May Parker is my best friend and she's like a sister to me. I'm also the closest thing she has to a sister now that her sister and brother-in-law died. She's also raising her nephew Peter with Ben now. I'm Peters Godmother, so I go to see the three quite often.

May has always been there for me and I have always been there for her, I was there when her sister died, and she was there when I finally figured out my feelings for Tony. We even have our own handshake that her sister taught her, and we call it the Parker shake in honor of her sister, because it was her sisters first. We plan on teaching it to Peter when he grows up so that he can teach it to his best friend one day.

My name is Nyx Astra Black, and this is the story about how I faked my death because I was too much of a fucking pussy to admit my love for someone.

(Fun Fact: this chapter is 666 words long without this authors note)

(Fun Fact: this chapter is 666 words long without this authors note)

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