17. The break up

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It was a rare occurrence for there to only be two of the girls in the dorm at once and Kate knew this was when she had to get in with Lily.
"How are you and Amos?" Kate asked as casually as possible as the two were just lounging around.
"I don't know. I don't think I like him that much anymore, the ignoring me things has kind of turned me away." She explained.
"If I'm being honest, I'm feeling the same way about James." Kate said hesitantly.
"Really?" She looked shocked. "How come?"
"Just he wants something long term. And I don't." Kate explained.
"So are you going to break up with him?" Lily asked.
"Maybe, I think it might be good." Kate lied through her teeth. "Do you think you're going to break up with Amos?"
She looked hesitant. "I'm not sure."
"I'd say." Kate started. "Do it before he does, knock down his fat ego a bit."
"Yea." She nodded with a smile on her face. "I won't be one of those girls who Amos just breaks up with and leaves in the dust."

Kate grimaced at that, knowing that she was one of the girls that Amos left in the dust.
"We could do it at the same time?" Kate suggested as she was also dreading breaking up.
"That's a great idea. And then we can meet up later and celebrate." Lily said with joy.
"Yea sounds great." Kate smiled. "When?"
"Tomorrow." Lily stated powerfully, now having definitely made her mid up.
Now there was no turning back.


Kate had just sent Lily away for her to do it and Kate felt as if there was waves in her stomach trying to wash her out to sea and never break up with James.
He was sat with his friends, joking and laughing when she finally found him. Kate stood far away until he noticed her, she nodded behind her and he started to follow her to a more secluded place in the castle.

"You've been avoiding me." James stated simply.
"So it makes it more believable." Kate gave him a sad smile and watched his face drop.
"Today?" He face contorted to shock then sadness.
"Today." She confirmed.
"What about Lily?" James asked.
"She's breaking up with Amos right now, find her and make sure she's ok. Be there for her, no over the top flirting. Just talk to her." Kate told him sternly.
"Ok, no flirting, just talking."

The waves that were previously in her stomach had turned into a raging tropical storm, tearing up her insides as she said what she was dreading the most.
"James Potter. I am breaking up with you." Kate finally said.
"Kate Taylor. I accept you breaking up with me." He leant down and kissed her cheek for once last time.
She felt like she was going to be sick but gave him a smile to save face.
"Thank you." She said looking deeply into his eyes before turning around and making her way down the corridor away from him and he went the opposite way to find Lily.

Kate felt the warm tears run down her face as she walked away from him. When Amos had broken up with her she had not been nearly as upset as this and the relationship with James wasn't even real.
Why did he have to be so charming and kind and ever so easy to fall madly, deeply and completely in love with.


James was wondering the halls when he heard a sniffling from around the corner. It was just who he was looking for. Lily. Her ginger hair falling over her face as she cried.
"Are you ok?" He asked her softly as he looked down on her.
"What does it look like?" She snapped at him.
"I'm sorry. Can i sit down?" He asked, looking at her with sad eyes.
"Yea sure." She gave in and James sat down
on the step next to her.
"So what's wrong?" He inquired and leant on his and hand as Lily began talking.
"I was going to break up with Amos, because he's a twat but he then he broke up with me! And then told me that he'd been seeing some girl in Hufflepuff for weeks while he was with me!" She pretty much shouted.

"That's so shitty of him." James said. "If it's any comfort Kate just broke it off with me, not as bad as you but I was also just broken up with." He finished.
"Really? Why did you break up?" Lily asked.
"Going in different directions." James said with a shrug. "It was mutual but Im a little sad, Kate's a wonderful girl."
He saw the tears still running down her face and pulled her into a hug. "Sorry." He said still hugging her.
"No this is nice." She said and leant back into his chest. "You're not as bad as I thought you were." Lily said.
James felt his heat jump out of his chest and run around the entire castle. Lily didn't completely hate him anymore.

He didn't know what to do, so he listen to what Kate had said. Just comforted her, let her rest her head on his chest and calm down.
"You didn't deserve to be cheated on. You're so kind and he didn't deserve you at all."
For the first time in a while James Potter was nervous, he had the girl of his dreams hugging him and he felt as if he couldn't breathe. She was taller than Kate, he had noted, her head laying up on his shoulder as she let her tears out.
Even though he was nervous, he was happy inside, despite the circumstances.
"You're a lot better than you used to be." Lily said.
"Well I've matured, James Potter, all reformed now a friend just willing to talk." James said.
"I like this new James Potter." Lily said and smiled up at him.
James felt as if he was vibrating with happiness, fireworks waiting to explode inside of him.


Kate had decided it was best to give him a proper goodbye, mainly for herself, cut all romantic ties and stop feeling things for him as quickly as possible. She knew that Lily would fall for James, especially now that of he had listened to her and not had put it full on. She'd fall quickly and fast. Kate had decided to write him a letter.


Thank you for the past couple months, really I cannot thank you enough.
I've had an incredible amount of fun and can't wait to see you happy with Lily.
I think it's better if we don't talk as much anymore, keep the distance to let Lily get close to you.

See you in charms

She had finished by putting the necklace of the jewellery set into the envelope and sealing it shut.
She then sent it to his dorm with Marlene's owl. However, she couldn't part with the necklace, it was too beautiful to give back.

She didn't really know what do do with her time now, with no James and meeting up in the kitchens, going on walks, watching his quidditch practice, she was lost and feeling stupid and unproductive just sitting around in the dorm feeling sorry for herself.

So Kate did what Kate knew. She traipsed down to the kitchen, made a cup of lavender tea (which was still her favourite, after trying around 20 teas over Christmas) sat down and decided to bake a batch of cookies.

Jate is dead !!!!

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