Chapter 7: Satellite

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"Smells like roast chicken." Odd commented.

"Now's not really the time to be thinking about food, Odd." Mel said.

Ulrich continued to call out to him until the school nurse walked in.

"Odd? Ulrich? Melissa?" Nurse Dorothy addressed them as she walked in before noticing the man on the bed. "Jim! What happened to him?"

"Oh, you know how Jim is. He's a regular live wire." Odd said and Mel elbowed his side. "I mean..."

Nurse Dorothy gave them a concerned look as Odd tried to explain the situation.


Amy and Yumi had arrived at the Auditorium to see Sissi getting people to sign the petition to get their phones back.

Sissi took notice of the two girls as Yumi picked up the pen to sign next.

"Oh, Miss Yumi and Miss Amy are gracing us with their presence." Sissi gave them both a salty greeting. "Where were you two when we wrote the petition?"

Before either of the girls could answer, Principle Delmas' voice was heard, Mrs. Hurtz at his side.

"Just what is going on in here?" He asked.

"Oh, dad, uh- I mean, Sir. What is going on here is this." Sissi said as she got up from her seat and walked over to her father, showing him the petition and everyone's signatures written on it. "You see, we all signed a petition. So you have to give us back our cellphones."

"Oh, really?" Principle Delmas said. "First, let me remind you that in this establishment, the students do not make the rules. Secondly, Mrs. Hurtz has just learned that someone forced her locker open to get back his cellphone."

Amy and Yumi shared a knowing glance at this as the other students began to whisper to each other, wondering who could've done that.

Sissi began to argue with her father, but Yumi and Amy were distracted by Jeremy waving at them through the window.

The two of them shared one more glance, making sure they both saw him, before nodding as they stealthily snuck away and out of the Auditorium.


Jeremy found out what Xana was up to with the school's antenna and they all gathered back in his room as he explained things.

"You see these waves? Xana's using the school antenna unit to try to plug into the main television dish." Jeremy explained as he showed them what he found on his computer.

"That's why all the phones rang?" Yumi asked.

"Right. It jams the frequency." Jeremy confirmed. "If Xana manages to take control of the dish, he'll have direct access to the satellites that are now orbiting the earth."


"And he'll be able to guide a military satellite."

"Okay, but why?" Amy asked.

"I wish I knew." Jeremy replied. "In peace time these satellites are used for spying. But if Xana reprograms one, who knows?"

"Anything could happen." Ulrich said. "Jeremy is right. This is serious."

"You better believe it, Ulrich." Jeremy agreed as an alert popped up on his computer. "The scan has detected a tower."

"Jeremy. Xana has activated a tower in the polar region." Aelita informed them as she appeared on the computer screen.

"We're on our way." Jeremy told her.

"Better hurry." Aelita urged.

"Let's go through the tunnel in the park." Jeremy told the others behind him and they all left the room, Odd telling his dog to stay there as they went.

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