2 - A Laidback Request

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As time stopped, you didn't notice Paimon's menacing glare at you. You completely disregarded the little creature at sight, as a familiar looking tie and clothes appear in front of your vision. And looking up, you see that Paimon isn't the only one that's glaring. The latter adjusts her voice.


"Well if it isn't (Name). Are you stalking me?!" She said accusingly. "Eula, it's just a coincidence." Paimon butts in. But if she has been your voice for so long whenever you do not what words to say, is it really butting in? 

"(Name) and I are just having a stroll. Jean told us to take a break. Today, and tomorrow!" Eula nods her head. "I see, but since you saw me today, well... I will have vengeance upon you, (Name)." Eula struts down, and away from you and Paimon. 

However, she takes a glance at you. "It's seems that I have forgotten something." She walks back to you and Paimon. "Well, (Name). You said that you will be free tomorrow, haven't you?" Paimon is actually the one who said it, but whatever goes, it goes.

"Yes, are there any-" Paimon closes your mouth with her hands. "Hold it, (Name)! You are not allowed to take any more tasks for tomorrow!" 

"Well, if it'd be alright for you, since you watched me today, I'd like to visit your abode. The one where you say, that's in the  'Serenitea pot', if I am correct?" You looked at Paimon. It couldn't hurt to have someone, who you are acquainted to be part of your day-off right? 

Romantic Vengeance (Eula x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now