The End Begins

Começar do início

In the opposite direction of the wizards.

"Arrrgh!" The two yelled together. Flapjack had an annoyed screech that Angel was glad she couldn't understand.

. . .

"Get them out of here, Stuart!" Aja ordered. Douxie had only gotten nicked on the leg, so he could still walk. Zadra wasn't as lucky, getting hit in the head with it. Stuart dragged her off to the side as Douxie readied a stasis spell circle to trap the wolf bounty hunter. He really wished Arch was there to help.

"You'll pay for that, Alpha!" Krel yelled, turning his serrator to a gun. Aja made hers a sword. She gave one glance at Douxie and smirked at his determination.

"And for what you did to my brothers, you shall pay- with your cores!" With that declaration, Alpha charged at them.

"Don't have one!" Douxie yelled as he put up a shield and shot bullets of magic at him. Alpha shot back wildly, running around them in an attempt to find a blind spot in any of their defenses.

"Then with your life!" Aja and Krel kept him at bay, mostly Aja via her sword, and Douxie forewent the shield to instead shoot a stronger blue magic beam at him. He didn't stay still long enough to get hit.

"I have a plan, but I need to get closer to him," he told Aja, quickly putting up a shield to block a shot.

"Distract him little brother!" She told Krel before charging at Alpha and tried to get his weapon out of his hands.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Krel asked rhetorically as he continued. Aja thought she had succeeded with one of them until Douxie and Krel ended up getting stuck together.

So she was on her own.

. . .

"Have you gotten everyone to safety?" Blinky asked as the Toby and Claire jumped out of the portal.

"Yup, the ones who couldn't make it home are hiding at the school," she told him, searching the area around them. "Where's Douxie?"

"I have not seen him for a few hours. Perhaps is fighting alongside Merlin and Angel now that everyone's safe."

"Speaking of Merlin, why's the eclipse still here?" Toby asked worriedly, pointing to the red sky. "Shouldn't he have gotten his magic back by now?"

"Where are those stupid wizards?" Claire yelled, not exactly meaning it for the younger looking two.  The little group didn't have much time to dwell on it, having their attention drawn back to their Trollhunter, who lay on the ground. "Jim!"

"Jimbo!" The three tried to run to his aid, but a group of Gum-Gums blocked their path. Claire growled as she began taking them down.

"This ends tonight!" Jim just barely avoided Gunmar's blade, unfortunately having to quickly doge Angor's as well. The two traded attempts to land a blow on him, giving him almost no chance to rise or call Daylight back to his hand or his shield to his arm.

Finally, he got a chance to duck out, jumping into the air to attack with his thigh blades. Gunmar blocked them with his own but was ultimately knocked down. Angor was quick to take up the empty space, throwing his blade and nicking Jim with it. Fortunately, it was only the butt of the blade; even if it did make him stumble back and leave him vulnerable to being pinned.

"Kill me!" Jim challenged as he held Angor's blade back from his chest with his shield. "It won't change you!" Angor growled and pushed harder. "I heard you were once a great warrior, a hero to trollkind!" Something of a recognition passed over his features, regret and sadness following. So Morgana hadn't taken his memories. "What's your excuse now that you have your soul back?"

Wizards: Tales Of ArcadiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora