Cara hated Taylor with a burning passion, and the feeling was definitely mutual. They never understood what it was about the other, but they just couldn't stand each other, ever since the first grade. They could barley stand to be in each other's presence— so with her being Sam's best friend, this made her not so fond of Sam either.

"My mom's missing her wallet" Sam had her eyes planted onto Tory with accusation, Tory furrowed her eyebrows, "Sucks for her" She laughed turning to her three friends causing them to laugh as well.

It was only a second later that Cara realized she was accusing her of stealing from her mother. "You wouldn't know anything about that?" Sam followed up. Taylor crossed her arms against her chest and shifted her wait to one side.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Aisha looked confused between the two, "She thinks Tory stole her moms wallet" Cara rolled her eyes before giving off a passive aggressive laugh. "You're kidding right?" Ana scoffed joining in with the girls.

"Just give me the wallet, and I won't tell security"

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Tory took a small step forward in disbelief, "Sam, she didn't steal your moms wallet" Aisha defended. "And I think you accusing her instead of asking, says more about you than it does her" Cara stepped in.

Cara liked Tory, they had only spent the day together and have become very close. She always defended her friends no matter what. And maybe it was the fact one of her friends were being threatened or the fact that Sam had broke her best friends heart and she had some animosity towards her for that situation— but either way, Tory had been with her all day and she knew that she didn't steal from Mrs. Larusso.

"Yeah, she didn't steal a bottle of Vodka, and wouldn't steal half the silverware in here" Sam looked back to Tory, "A little bit of your rich privilege is showing" Ana furrowed her eyebrows, she annoyed at Sam for more than just this situation— like breaking her brothers heart for instance.

"Listen, I didn't steal from your mom, bitch" Tory took several steps forward this time, becoming defensive. Cara didn't blame her, she would of done the same thing. "We don't buy that, what else are you hiding in that purse?" Taylor pitched in for the first time, immediately making Cara take a step forward.

"We don't really care if you buy it or not" Cara now uncrossed her hands and put them down by her chest becoming more defensive. Tory shakes her head, "Let's get out of here"

As Tory turns to leave, Sam reaches out and attempts to grab her bag away from her. Tory quickly turned around, "Get off of me" She pushed Sam away to defend herself. This causes Sam to go stumbling back into a table of food behind her.

The four looked shocked, Sam was laying there with numerous different foods covering her whole body. Cara and Tory didn't feel bad, it was the consequence of her own action.

Taylor covered her mouth before leaning down and helping her friend, making it a point to stare down the three girls first. Cara andTory both walked away causing Ana to follow and leaving Aisha there for a second.

Cara eventually parted from the girls and decided to go home; a place she never wanted to be. She tried to avoid that place as much as possible, it wasn't really her home, not to her at least.

Cara took out her earbud leaving only one in as she opened up her door. She looked around thinking that she might of gotten lucky and her dad wasn't home. That wasn't the case.

He came stumbling into the living room with a beer in hand, he stopped once he seen Cara standing in the middle of the living room.

"What are you looking at?" He scoffed as he stumbled past her and laid on the couch, Cara swallowed before passing him and heading towards her bedroom.

Stuck With Me; Robby Keene Where stories live. Discover now