Do I press it? 

'You know I probably shouldn't butttt I want to, but I shouldn't. But I wanna. No, Y/n you are not pressing the button' I think to myself 

After returning to L'manberg I sneak back into Wil's house, and go to sleep. 

I wake up to be shaken very crazy, I open my eyes to see a panicked Wilbur.

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!!!" Wilbur tells me
"Whatttt? I'm trying to sleep" I whine, tucking my head under my pillow
"Seriously wake up! Tubbo is gone. As well as your mask" I hear Wilbur's voice muffle throw the pillow

I immediately spring out of bed
"WHAT? HOW IS HE GONE?!" I yell 
"I don't know! He just is!" Wilbur yells back

"Do you know when he left?!" I shout
"I don't know but probably sometime in the night!" He shouts back 

I throw on my shoes and start leaving the door

"Where are you going?" Wilbur asks loudly
"TO FIND TUBBO!" I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world, well because it is.
"Okay well I'm coming too!" He tells me, whilst following me a little bit behind
"You start searching from that side of L'manberg, I'll start on this one" I tell him pointing to two different directions 

"Alright, I'll chat to you if I see anything" He agrees whilst turning to the direction I told him to

After we parted our ways I start looking everywhere possible, every cave, behind every tree, but I could not find Tubbo anywhere. 

"Tubbo! Where are you!" I shout out 

It feels like I've been searching for hours, with no luck. 
I decide to message Wilbur to see if he's seen anything.

'WIL! Have you found him?' I message 
'Nope, I would ask you the same but by that message I'd assume not' He quickly messages back 
'Okay, I'm going to head back.' I message him

'Well, that was very successful' I think to myself whilst slouching back to L'manberg
I find that same button from earlier, again I'm contemplating to press it.

And I decide to, because why not. If there is a trap here oh well, life isn't going according to plan anyways.

I press the button.

I can't feel anything.

I can't see anything.

I don't know what is going on.

I can barely even think.

I hear TNT explosions.



My brother's iconic laugh

I wake up gasping for my breath

That wasn't real....? 

"Y/- Are you alright?" Wilbur asks as he enters the room
"Oh uh y-yeah, just a nightmare" I tell him

"Eret said they have some secret weapon, if you'd like to join us in seeing." 
Wha.?! I didn't realise they were planning on doing it so soon! Well, I guess I'll be fighting with L'manberg because some people are fucking assholes.

"Yeah. Sure" 

~How will we hide this?~ Punz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now