| The Final Bow |

Start from the beginning

My legs halted at the set of double silver doors on the Harbinger's floor. A single calming exhale and a reminder of what this is all for gave me the push I needed to enter the room looking as casual as possible.

A handful of people looked up before losing interest and returning back to their scowling positions in their grandiose seats. I pitied the table for being the object of their sinister glares all day.

"Take a seat, bard. The soldier's have been dispatched and we are currently awaiting the first report back," explained Pulcinella.

I nodded with a determined expression (completely fake of course) and slipped into the only vacant seat nearest to the door. It would have been convenient for escaping but I don't plan to exit in the traditional way. No, I intended to slip out through the walls like a ghost leaving the coffin.

The atmosphere in the room was heavily permeated with tension and anticipation. Some looked excited, others look weary or bored. Thankfully, none of them seemed to show any suspicious thoughts towards me, not even Scaramouche who sat with his head tipped downwards and that large hat concealing his face.

"Exciting, isn't it? If this really works, we can finally get our hands on that treacherous traitor. I volunteer to torture them first!" exclaimed Columbina.

My face almost contorted with a grimace so I resorted to giving the Harbinger an amused smile. She looked like she was hungry for blood and I forced myself to look away at the loss of a possible friend. A firm rule I followed was to never allow anyone to get close. This was a job that required focus and in no way could I let myself get attached or distracted by people who would only get hurt along the way.

The report didn't come for another hour or two but when it did, I was more than prepared.

The double doors flew open hastily as every head in the room whipped to identify the commotion. The Harbingers and I all stood in unison, me out of being startled and them out of curiousity for the reveal.

"This better be worth our time, General. Hand me that report," gritted Pierro as he and a handful others stormed towards the doors.

The poor man who was dressed in the uniform of a General flinched before his lips worked their way to speak. My blood rushed, my head buzzed and my heart that didn't really beat felt as if it were on the verge of exploding.

"T-there's been an unanticipated turn of events, my Lord," he sputtered out.

The Harbingers glanced at one another with furrowed brows and obvious confusion. I chose to study the General intently as he forced out his next words with trembling hands.

"Y-you see... the Treasure Hoarders weren't following any of the variation plans. They somehow got their hands on the real, original plan. We have confirmed this after interrogating a hostage. Further information about their informant will be sent up soon."

There it is. The finale is upon us.

Every body in the room went rigid. The silence was deafening as the Harbingers let those words sink in. It seems they all came to the realisation at the same time because their eyes cleared and their heads turned to one another with suspicion. The only people who were given the original plan that didn't have any changes (such as the number of Agents dispatched or the particular elements they were using) were all in this room. That meant that the traitor was really among them and for a second they really doubted one another.

All at once, they pointed fingers to the ones they disliked the most and accused them of being the leak. It felt as if I was thrown into a children's playground where they each threw the blame at one another. My head snapped from left to right as beautiful chaos erupted in the room and the temperature along with the tension was becoming excruciatingly numbing.

A Truth For A Truth ( Scaramouche X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now