"Well this is a pretty nice haul." I said as I looked over everything, I then noticed the katar I picked it up to give it a closer look, and used observe on it.


[Katar(novice)(F+): A type of push dagger characterized by its H-shaped horizontal hand grip which results in the blade sitting above the user's knuckles. It has a high durability perfect for CQC. +10 damage.]

[*Notice* would you like to absorber katar into scarf of ???????(Ruku).]


I looked at the screen then I pressed yes and then the katar turned into particles and went into Ruku and suddenly Ruku created what seemed to be blades made out of crystals on each end.

Ruku: 'Whoa I feel stronger Mr. (Y/n).' He said in a excited voice. I just looked in amazement as blades formed on each end.

"Whoa, that's awesome Ruku." I said to Ruku amazed, then I soon started to grin as I then grab one of the lower quality shields and gave it to him, and he formed crystal shields on either side making me more excited, I also grab a mace and did the same, and he formed two crystal spike maces similar to a morning star, I then used observe on him.


[Scarf of ???????(Ruku) (??): A scarf with a will of its own and will select a owner. Once it selects its owner it will bond with the owner's soul and will grow with its owner. *NOTICE: Once soul bound it cannot be lost, if lost it will reappear on the owner. Soul bound object cannot be destroyed in cases where object is damaged it will be immediately repaired.]

- Defense +20
- Damage +15
- MP +20
- Stamina + 20
- MP regen +5
- Stamina regen +5
- EXP +5%
- Weapon absorption (F+). Allows user to absorb weapons of the same rank of the skill into the scarf gaining a portion of its damage and skills *NOTICE: skill rank may lower.*
- Skill connection (E+). Allows user to connect and extend skills of the same rank of the skill to the scarf.
- Strength (F+). Allows user to grab objects to a maximum weight of 100 pounds (45kg).
- Blades (F+). Allows user to materialize fragile blades made of crystals which increases damage, user can also dematerialize the blades. +10 damage.
- Shield (F+). Allows user to materialize fragile shields made of crystals which increases defense, user can also dematerialize the shields. +10 defense.
- Mace (F+). Allows user to materialize fragile maces made of crystals which increases damage, user can dematerialize the maces. +10 damage.

I smiled happily as Ruku had a new ability. "Nice I got a new ability, but... didn't he grow stronger with me, hmm maybe it's every ten levels or something like that. Eh what ever I'll think about that later." I then put everything in my inventory, and checked my stats.


Name: (Y/n) Alexander Sinclair

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Race- Unknown

Fame- None

Title- Dragon born

Alias- None

Sacred gear- None

Lv- 6

Exp- (3%)(+5%)

Hp - 250/250 (+5Hp/m)

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