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Six years old Venice walked out of the kindergarten along with his classmates. Today they had a half-day class and Venice forgot to give that notice paper to Pete back at home.

"Venice, where is your papa?" One of his classmate's mom asked, she was holding onto her son's wrist.

He glanced at the lady with a boring look. He doesn't like her, because Vegas has told him this lady flirts with Pa Pete; which is very bad! So without answering anything he started walking towards the footpath.
Venice thoughts, If Pa Pete was here; he might have scolded him for being silent which Pa Pete clarify as being rude.

Venice walked on the footpath among the busy people who were busy with their own. Their house isn't too far from here. Venice knows the direction. So he just walked ahead with his tiny feet.

It was summertime, today's temperature was much hot to make his uniform drench with sweats.

Walking farther he felt tired from the extreme heat. This little man thought about resting under that park a bit. He sat on the bench placed under the tree of that empty park. It's not a time for people to visit the park anyway.

Opening his water bottle he gulped down the orange juice which Vegas made for him after Pete shouted at him. It tastes good tho. Wiping his mouth, he unpacked a packet of small snacks and put some into his mouth. Wondering his gaze around, his eyes suddenly caught the sight of another boy maybe his age looking at him from hiding behind another tree a little far.

That kid looked tired and sick. His dresses weren't in a better state either. But that kid wasn't dirty with dirt or mud. His shiny skin caught Venice's attention which reminds him of Porsche. The little one jumped down from the bench and walked ahead to the boy who was about to back away. The fear and innocence were so clear on his face.

"Wait! Don't run! I am not bad!" Venice yelled out making that almost running boy turn at him, "Won't beat me?"

Venice stepped closer to the boy. He is taller than him. "Nope." Venice noticed that boy peeking at the packet in his grip. He put that forward, "You want some? Then come and sit with me."

That boy followed Venice and sat beside him. His sitting posture was like Venice's. With alertness, he ate the snack which the kindergarten boy shared with him. He was so hungry which Venice noticed.

"Eat this all." Venice brings out two more packets which he brought without Pete's knowledge, "Take them too. You look hungry. You Shouldn't starve yourself, Pa Pete said if we keep our stomach empty it will hurt so bad. Then we have to go to the doctor who will inject us with big needles! That's scary..." Venice talks with the boy who glanced at him with a mouthful of crackers. A confused gaze.

Venice sighs heavily, "Eat slowly. You will start choking. Here have some juice." Handing the unknown kid his water bottle he takes a close look at his face, "What's your name?"

Finishing the sip, "Bastard."

"Hy! I let you eat my food and you said bad words to me!" Venice pouted with anger and yanked back the bottle from his hand. Who looked at him with confusion, "Thirsty... want it..." His begging voice was low and of course pitiful.

But Venice was angry now, "I won't! Why did you say bad words to me?!"

"What bad word?" The kid tilted his head aside with confusion.

Venice frowned, "You just called me... Bas... Bastard! That's a very bad word!"

"But... My name Bastard... mama calls me that ... Mama hates me..." He lowered his head with a pout.

Venice calmed at that sight, "Hy! Don't be sad! Umm... But you know? Vegas told me it's a good word for adults! My Pa Pete often calls Vegas this! So don't say that! Your mom must love you so much that she calls you that!" Vegas did teach him that. Because Pete something shouts out that near Venice and he also doesn't want Venice to utter any curse. That was an attempt for Vegas to relieve Pete.

Hearing that the kid looked up at Venice. The uniformed boy nodded at him, giving surety. And gave back the water bottle.

Venice just forgot about going back home. He got an interesting boy at the park. In kindergarten, he doesn't talk with his classmates much because they behave weirdly. Especially, he hates those kids whose moms flirt with his Pa Pete.

"You didn't ask my name or thank me. Ask my name." Venice literary ordered the boy who is now sitting facing him.

"What your name?

Venice smiled proudly, "I am Venice Theerapanyakun. Now thank me!"

"Thank you, Ven... Venice..." That kid did as he was told. With normal facial expression, no smile or irritation. Just Calmness.

Venice was low-key disappointed but he let that go, "So do you do to school? What do your parents do?"

"No school. My mama home drink sleep."

"Uhh... How old are you?"


"You are five! That means I am older than you! Call me P'Venice then... Okay?"

That kid nods.

Venice was about to say something when his hand watch beeped out. Finally, he noticed he was about to go home. It wasn't the exact regular time of ending the day of Kindergarten tho; when his watch beeped. It was a regular play period alarm.

He hurriedly grabbed his backpack and jumped down from the bench, "Bastard. I need to go now! Come here in the afternoon too, I will greet you with Pa Pete... Bye!" He waved at the kid who just started at him. He looks a little sad now.


How was the first chapter?

Hope it wasn't very disappointing :')

Venice is so cute and kind :') and that kid... Seems so clueless right?

Anyway... Let's see how it goes! Please vote and comment down your thoughts!

I will be updating you soon :)

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