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That and it has my celebrity crush in it so it's a win win badass woman lead and my crush.

*begins to move away from y/n*

I didn't mean to imply anything. Look as good as Lizzie looks that's all I think of her. She looks pretty and that's all. And not in a me reducing her to her beauty way. What I'm trying to say is she's only a crush, nothing more.

*Pulls Hailee closer* Besides, I have the only Marvel girl, I'll ever need right here with me.

*looks up at y/n* You mean it?

Mi Amor I'm going to have to ask you to look at that ring finger for me again.

*smirks* Hey I was just making sure.

*runs fingers through Hailee's hair* Well just so you know there's no person or situation I could think of that would make me leave you.

I mean there might be but they're extreme.

So you mean to tell me if Zendaya was suddenly single y-


Chris Evans?

Nope while he is really handsome and has Dodger ultimately I would pass.

Hmmm Sarah Paulson?

No Shes pretty but not in a I want to be with her way.

Hunter Schafer?


Florence Pugh?

Cute but in a she's tiny and belongs in your pocket sense.

Ashley Frangipane?

You could have just said Halsey and again no.

Really? Kinda surprised on that one.

I "grew up" listening to her music so while they got me through a lot the answer is still no.

*Looks at y/n* But-

Yeah, I know I watched a lot of your movies and listened to your music "growing up".

Only difference between all of them and us, is that I technically met you and got to know you as Emily from Los Angeles that is until you drunkenly told me your first name.

Alright Alright.

Point is I got to know the real Hailee, not Hailee Steinfeld Actress and Popstar.

Well Hailee Steinfeld the actor and singer is a real person too.

Yes I know.

What I'm saying is while I met Singer and Actress Hailee, I had already made the connection to Hailee. The one who loves spending her free time meditating and hanging out with her family and two dogs.

The Hailee who absolutely refuses to drink caffeine because your afraid you'll be hooked once you start.

Ok so clearly you wouldn't leave me for a person so what if I suddenly couldn't walk and was in a wheelchair.

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