Nothing Is Adding Up

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The next day

Luca's POV

Alberto was acting kind of strange the rest of Thursday night. He didn't seem sad or anything, but he was definitely quieter than usual. And when Giulia and I went outside to play with the other kids, he stayed behind; he said he was too tired. That's kind of concerning to me, because that's the second time this week he's gone to bed early, and he never usually does that.

I hope it's not because of the drawing. But then again, how could it be? When he went to sleep early the first time, that drawing didn't even exist. In fact, I can't remember doing anything to upset him that day.

I don't know. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it. I just....

"Luca," Giulia suddenly says, waving a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Luca."

"Huh?" I blink a few times, then shake my head. "Oh. Sorry."

The three of us just finished lunch, but Alberto ran out the door to find Riccardo real quick. Now we're waiting for him at the kitchen table, just doing our own thing: Giulia's drinking apple juice, and I'm writing in my journal.

... Or at least I would be if my mind wasn't so busy.

"I read this thing once about alien slugs that stick to your head and take over your brain." Giulia reaches over to grab my empty plate. "You might be a victim, ragazzo."

She stands up with our dishes and walks over to the sink, probably about to clean them.

"Thank you," I say, nodding at her. "About the dishes, not the alien thing."

She just laughs.

About another minute passes, and I'm finally able to focus on writing, but then the front door suddenly opens. Barely three seconds later, both Alberto and Riccardo run into the kitchen. I quickly close my journal.

"You guys coming with us?" Alberto asks, putting his hand on his hip and leaning to one side.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To catch frogs, duh." Alberto looks my way, smirking.

For a second, it doesn't look like anything's bothering him, and I feel myself relax.

That doesn't last long.

One look at the journal in my hands, and he's immediately annoyed. "Really? Again?" he asks, stepping back and rolling his eyes.

I just shrug.

"Seriously, enough with the stupid journal already." Alberto closes his eyes and places his hand over them.

"Dude, what's so bad about it?" I ask, moving my pencil away.

"You seriously cannot go one day without writing in it," he says, which isn't true, by the way. "It's like it controls you."

"Brain slugs," Giulia points out, nodding.

Alberto looks confused at her. "What?"


"See? Even Giulia agrees." Alberto gestures toward her. "So you have to admit that you use it too much. I swear you're like... obsessed with it or something."

"Okay, that is not true," I argue, standing up from the chair. What is his deal?

He crosses his arms. "Really? Because it's very surprising to me that you haven't married that thing by now."

"I am not obsessed!"

Suddenly, the whole room is silent. Riccardo and Giulia stare at us, I bet completely unsure what to do or say. I don't know how things got so awkward so fast, but either way, Alberto definitely started it.

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