~The beginning and ending~

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Winter is changbin's favorite season, why? Because he loves the cold weather, he loves the feeling off having someone who he truly loves, beside him, hand in hand, who will walk with him through the snowy park.

He always imagined having a lover, who would do these small things for him. He wants to feel the affection of love. The warmth from the long night cuddles. The butterflies in his stomachs from the long kisses, maybe those small but meaningful pecks. He just wants it.

But one thing is holding him away from having a partner. His fear. He was always feared of being left alone. Not being loved again. He hated that feeling.

Walking past the couples in the park, changbin walked towards the bench, he was looking forward to sit on. A boy sat next to him, not expecting anything from the boy who seemed to be older than him.

"Hey! You look pretty lonely. My names bangchan, how about you?", the boy said. He had black hair. Dark eyes and his dimples showing from his adorable and bright smile on his face. Changbin's heart flushed, "oh hey, nice to meet you I'm Seo changbin.", the other male said, not being able to make eye contact. "What are you doing here all alone? Don't you have friends or a partner?", bangchan said. "No, my friends are all out with their lovers and no I don't have a partner. But what about you?". "Well same, I also have no partner nor a friend to walk with, well to be honest I just moved here from Australia, so that explains it!".
"I can tell that you're not from here, your accent is completely different.", changbin chuckled.

"Wanna do something? OH! Btw I'm 24 years old, and you?", the black haired said.
"I'm 22.", the younger said, while looking at the other. Not being able to take his eyes off him. He was mesmerized by his beauty.

Was he developing feelings? This fast? Nah it can't be, he only knew him for 3 mins. Changbin sunk into his head. Overthinking.

"Changbin? Hey are you good? You want to go home?", bangchan asked worriedly. "Huh? Oh...yes hyung, I'm fine don't worry I was just thinking about something a little too much again. It's a bad habit of mine.", changbin answered him, sounding a bit awkward.

"Sooo, wanna walk together? You could also show me around! If you want to of course!", he smiled again, his adorable fumbles showing once again. "Of course hyungie!!".

Both males walked side by side,shoulders nearly touching each other, through the park. Talking about themselves. Laughing together at their jokes.

"Oh my, hahaha changbin you're so funny, hahaAHHAHAhahaha.", Chan said, not being able to hold himself anymore, so he held onto changbin's shoulder. "But hyunggg what can I dooo?? STOP LAUGHING GODD, ITS NOT FUNNY!!", the blond boy kept griping. "OKAY, Okay, oh hahaha Kay, I'm gonna stop laugh- PFFT." Chan tried to end his sentence until changbin's words came back to his head, this time he snorted.

He finally stopped, after 7 minutes. "Gosh hyung you're so cruel." Changbin pouted, frowning his eyebrows.
"Okay I'm sorry, but it was so funny! Anyways, I'm hungry. Let's eat something warm!".

They went to a small restaurant, ordering one Spicy and one normal ramen. "After we finish eating wanna come over to mine?", changbin asked the elder. "Sure!", Chan answered happily.

What is this feeling. No. What are these strange feelings? Is he also falling so fast for the other? It's probably a small crush nothing serious. Or.... Could it be possible, that he is in love with him? Chan was confused.

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