alex: where you goin?

y/n: my friends here

alex: ouu can i go

y/n: no stay here please

he smacked his lips and i went outside to see jabez holding flowers in his hand with choclates.

i covered my mouth

y/n: jabezzzzz omg

i went up to him and hugged him

jabez: happy early birthday y/n

y/n: jabez that's not until like a month

jabez: i'm not gonna be here that's why i came to tell you

i pulled out of the hug

y/n: wym?

jabez: i have to go to new york with my parents for something important later

y/n: so you're not gonna be here?

jabez: no that's why i'm bringing you this, i'll be back soon tho okay?

y/n: can we hang rn then?

jabez: i have to pack beautiful, i just found out this morning.

y/n: why do you do these things jabez

he chuckled

jabez: me?!!

i smirked

he gave me the flowers

jabez: i have to go tho i'll see you soon okay?

i nodded

y/n: who's gonna take me out for 3am fast food

i laughed a bit

jabez: i'll facetime you once i'm there okay?

y/n: fine

we looked at each other and i started leaning in, shit what was i doing y/n, stop this madness.

he leaned in too surprisingly and we kissied, for a couple seconds until he pulled out.

jabez: bye beautiful

he smiled

y/n: bye jabez thank you

he smiled and went in his car and i watched him as he drove off.

mattia: y/n get in my video i need the clout

y/n: shut up

mattia: woahhh who got you those?

y/n: don't worry about it

he smirked and we did his outro

y/n: where's your girlfriend?

mattia: at her house that's like 3 hrs away why?

y/n: oh okay just asking

he looked at me suspiciously and i set up my flowers in water, put them in a vase, and set them up ontop of my dresser in my room and laid on my bed while texting jabez.

then alex walked in

alex: Y/NNNNN

y/n: what

alex: i'm so tired

he plopped on my bed

y/n: idk why y'all decided to drink at 3pm

alex: mhmm

i covered him with a blanket, lifted his head,  put a pillow under it, and put on my airpods while he slept.

i was on tiktok until jabez facetimed me

jabez: i need help

y/n: wait wait

i whispered and went to the kitchen

jabez: what's wrong?

y/n: alexs sleeping but anyway what happened?

jabez: okay help me pick an outfit

i helped him pick an outfit and we stayed on facetime until he had to go.

jabez: okay beautiful well i have to go now okay?

y/n: okay remember, facetime me as soon as you get there

he nodded

y/n: i'm not playing around jabez

he chuckled

jabez: okay

he hung up and i went back to my room to sleep

i woke up to the loudest screech ever, sounding like a car.

i checked to see what time it was on my phone and it was almost 9 god damn already?

then i heard what sounded like the whole house saying "no get tf out" "no" & shit

so i went downstairs half asleep to see what was happening.

they were standing at the door and i got on my tippy toes and tried looking over mattia but didn't see anything until i heard her voice.


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