"So you set up the dry meet, set up a buy for a later date, and wait for the sale," Adam figured. 

Kevin nodded. "Right, then we bust Tovar's ass, and we get all his dope off the street." 

"But we can't ghost in El Pueblo," Hailey brought up.

"No. Which is why you guys have to post up outside. Get eyes and ears. We're gonna get a COH on Jimmy, too. We are not letting this dope take another life," Kevin declared. At the bar, Kevin was introduced to Tovar, but he wasn't interested in doing a deal at the moment. So, Kevin and Jimmy moved on to watch the boxing match. However, during the match, Jimmy disappeared, and no one could find him on Kevin's cam or through his COH.

"I've got a possible exiting the side entrance. Male, black jacket, hoodie," Voight listed off. 

"Hailey, that's him," I alert her from where I was sitting in the passenger seat of her car.

"Y/n and I have got eyes on your possible, Sarge. He's moving quickly. Do you want us to take him?" Hailey quizzed. 

"Yes. Pick him up," Voight ordered. Hailey and I both climbed out of the car, and the cool Chicago air hit my face, causing me to shiver. I pulled my hat down a little so that it covered my ears, and after zipping up my jacket some more, I caught up with Hailey in the alleyway Jimmy had just gone down.

"Jimmy!" Hailey called out. "Stop!" Jimmy turned, and when he saw the two of us, he took off running. I cursed quietly and ran after him, Hailey right on my tail. We turned the corner, following Jimmy down another alleyway, and that's when we saw him trying to get into a car. Sarge, Jimmy's trying to jack a car." 

"Shit!" I curse when Jimmy managed to get into one. He stepped on the gas and flew forward, hitting a pedestrian who rolled over the top of the car before hitting the concrete. "Hailey you got him?"

"Yeah. Go!" Hailey urged and bent down next to the man. "5021 Henry, get me an ambo now, and I need some cars. On-view carjacking in the alley of Cullerton and Laflin." 

"Come on," I mutter to myself as I pumped my legs faster to get closer to the car. Once I could see the license plate, I held my radio up to my lips. "He's in a gray Kia Optima. Young, David, Henry, 842. He just turned westbound down Laflin. I'm on foot. Can't pursue. Sarge, Jimmy just took off. Our CI's running."


"This where the phone pinged?" Adam inquired. 

"Yeah," Kevin replied. "This is the gym where Nando works out." 

"Jay and I drove by, and there's no gray Kia," Hailey stated. 

"And we know it's closed," Kevin mentioned. "Jimmy made a deal with the owner for Nando to train on his off days for cash. It's a good place for a hand-off." 

"Jay, Hailey, you two take the back," Voight instructed. "We've got the front. Let's go."

"Hey. We've got blood," I notify the team as we approached the door. 

"We got blood. Crashing now," Kim relayed to Jay and Hailey over her radio. 

"Chicago PD!" Adam shouted and kicked down the door. 

"Bodies," I point out as we entered the gym. "Cover me."

"I got you," Adam spoke and took up a position next to me. I knelt down and pressed my fingers to the neck of the main on the floor, but I couldn't feel a pulse.

"He's gone. They all are," I say and gesture to the other bodies in the room. "And these are definitely Tovar's men, so we're on the right track."

"Hey! I got Nando over here! I need an ambo!" Kevin yelled out from down the hall. As we were securing the scene, Kevin got a call from Jimmy. He only wanted to know if Nando was okay, and after we told him that Nando was on his way to Med, Jimmy hung up. However, since he used his phone, we could track it. And if we could track it, we could find him.

"This is the location that Jimmy called Atwater from. It's a vacant lot in Humboldt," Jay shared. "We've got two Tact teams sitting on it right now, but there's no sign of Jimmy and there's no sign of a gray Kia." 

"The phone's off, but we did manage to track this much down. Jimmy bought his phone from a -hour store in Burnside," Kim disclosed. 

"Since then, it's pinged in two different locations. One on the far South Side and one in Pilsen. We're thinking it's a hideout. A place to stash cash," I put forth. 

"Start getting warrants typed up. What about cameras?" Voight questioned. 

"I'm working them right now, Sarge," Kevin responded.

"I just got off the phone with Med. Nando just made it out of surgery. Kid's gonna pull through," Adam notified us. 

"Do we think Jimmy's gonna visit his brother?" Voight posed. 

"Yeah, there's a big chance he will," Kevin answered. 

"Good. Get some Tact guys sitting over at Med," Voight commanded. 

"Guys, listen up. CPIC's got your man Jimmy on one camera. He sped through a red light at the intersection of Hamlin and Chicago just ten minutes ago," Trudy revealed. 

"That's northwest Humboldt Park," Kevin noted. 

"Let's move on it," Voight summoned. All of us climbed into cars and headed off towards Humboldt. Once there, we all went in different directions. Adam turned down a side street, and the two of us broke away from the rest of Intelligence.

"Hey. Do you think Kev's gonna be okay? He seems pretty broken up about this," I tell Adam.

"I think he just needs to understand that none of this was his fault. Look, he'll be fine," Adam assured me. "Just give him some time."

"I've got a Kia with the plates torn off on Springfield and Thomas, but no Jimmy," Kevin announced over the radio. 

"Copy you, Kev," I return. "We'll head your way." 

"I've also got Tovar's car at an abandoned property right to the east of Jimmy's stolen vehicle," Kevin added. "I'm going dark." Within minutes, Adam and I were at Kevin's location. As soon as Adam parked his Jeep, I hopped out of my seat, my gun already drawn. Together, the two of us entered the abandoned warehouse, and we found Kevin and Jimmy on the main floor, a body at their feet. I could tell it was Tovar almost immediately. I could also tell that he was dead since he was shot in the head.

"Kev, anyone else in here?" I implore.

Kevin shook her head. "No. It's just us."

"Come on," Adam urged Jimmy and handcuffed him, leading him back outside, leaving Kevin and I alone.

"You okay?" I quiz.

"I'm fine," Kevin replied and brushed past me to exit the building. Later that night, at the district, I was finishing up the last of my paperwork. On instinct, I kept glancing over to Kevin's desk. He left a while ago, but I couldn't help but feel like he wasn't okay. 

"Hey," Adam greeted as he entered the bullpen. "What are you still doing here?"

"I needed to finish some paperwork," I claim and sign off another piece. "But I just finished up."

"I know you're still worried about Kevin," Adam said. "I can tell. But what'd I tell you earlier? He's gonna be fine."

"I know," I confirm. "But I worry. You know that."

"I do," Adam agreed and laughed. "I also know that you've got a dog and a husband waiting for you at home. So get the hell out of here."

"Okay okay," I murmur and sling my jacket around my shoulders. "I know things too, Adam. Like how you want me to leave just so you can play your terrible music in here without anyone judging."

"What can I say? A man needs to listen to some songs without being berated about them," Adam defended.

"Well I'll leave you too it then," I declare and grab my bag. "See you tomorrow morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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