A Visit

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With Issei:

He seriously looked at the portal as his aura went out.

The women were confused seeing this as they had never seen Issei with such a serious face

Issei: What are you doing here?

He asked coldly, as his squeaky voice sent chills through everyone who heard it.

The portal disappeared and from it, two figures appeared.

???/???: Is that how you treat your wife, darling/darling?

Issei just turned his face and clicked his tongue....

Issei: You are nothing to me.

He said annoyed to which the women just laughed derisively

???: Ara~ Is this true?

Issei stared at her seriously, while the woman had a lewd, mocking smile on her face.

Issei: Yes, it's true.

He said with complete indifference as he shrugged the women off.

As if by lightning, the two women appeared in front of Issei and hugged him, rubbing their voluptuous bodies against his.

Stella, Rias, Akeno, Xenovia, Kira, Isara and Koneko stared at the two women with curiosity, as they watched them touch Issei's body as if they've known him for a long time, but they couldn't touch him because of the barrier of Issei's property. gravity; Repulsion

But paying more attention, they could see that one of the girls had a similar appearance to Issei, only female.

She had long golden hair that shone like the sun, it was really beautiful and straight as well as silky. The girl's hair seemed to flow in the wind. Her reddened eyes gave off the same mysterious glow as Issei's, only in a paler shade.

The woman had several red stripes all over her body and had a voluptuous figure, not as much as Rias (example) but that she was really beautiful and would make anyone cry with envy.

The woman had several red stripes all over her body and had a voluptuous figure, not as much as Rias (example) but that she was really beautiful and would make anyone cry with envy

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The other one was already a little more different, she had pale hair and blood red eyes, which emitted great desire for destruction and chaos. She also had a ribbon stuck in her hair. The girl wore a black dress made of black ribbons, which are cut in red. The dress was variable in size, but it revealed her plump thighs. She on her face, dress and legs are covered in red marks. Her figure was quite voluptuous

 Her figure was quite voluptuous

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