😍Addison VS Mal | Stand VS If Only - Zombies vs Descendentes!😍

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✨✨Addison VS Mal | Stand VS If Only - Zombies vs Descendentes!✨✨

I LOVE both movies, and both soundtracks from the first movies.💖💖💖 however, l definitely prefer Addison over Mal, all the way. She's kind, helpful, caring, loving, adoring and so much more. So, l prefer Stand over If Only.
3 reasons why...

1. I LOVE Addison and prefer over Mal.
2. Meg's voice is so much better, full of emotion, soul, power and more. While, Dove's voice is too whiny, girly, high - pitched for my liking. No power or soul in her tone. Meg hits the highs, lows and ad-libs so much better than Dove does. Imo.  That's all she's got, tbh. Meg has so much more to her voice, she can do so much more with it.😍😍
3. Stand is so much better than If Only. It has meaning, soul, emotion and a lot more to it. If Only is only high notes. Boring, so is Dove. BORING. STAND FOREVER!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tbh, Addison is a much better main character than Mal is. She cares about everything and everyone....she welcomes new people and make them feel welcomed! Mal is boring. She has no personality at all.

Meg Donnelly is a MUCH better singer, songwriter, dancer and performer then Dove Cameron. Plus, she sings so much better.✨✨

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