Chapter 2

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At this point is has been 4 hours and 32 minutes, as long as the batteries in my watch aren't bad. Even if they are, it has been a long ass time. Not even a trace of cars at this point and i'm kind of getting scared. There is a bee that is swarming around me, and i cant kill it because, well, my hands are tied. What if it gets its friends and they come over and sting me to death. Why am I thinking like this? I'm tied up along the road where no one has been in days other than me, and i'm worrying about bees. There may be something wrong with me. What can i do to keep occupied while I am stuck along side of the road. Sleepy time it is. I dreamed about school, Tomothy, Zoee, skateboarding, Aaron, and most importantly friends in general. When I woke up I was worrying for my life, but then I saw...

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