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Y/ns pov
After I get out of the shower I walk into the motel room to see five asleep on the mattress he looked like a baby I then lay down next to him we're both back to back he then starts moving he turns around we are now into a spooning position and he places his hand on my lower stomach

*Time skip*

I wake in the morning to knocks on the door I turn over to see that five is still asleep I walk up to the door still half asleep "mom?" I say as I answer the door "someone's a sleepyhead good morning darling ive just came over to talk about the details of yours and fives mission" the handler said while letting herself in "fives still asleep" I answer oh well that's no problem then

*Time skip to the handler leaving again because I'm lazy*

"Ok goodbye darling I'll see you tomorrow" " bye mom love you" I say closing the door not giving her enough time to answer and heading back to the bed to go back to sleep as I get a hold of the cover five says "who was it" I jump a little bit at his sudden words "oh it was the handler she just stopped by" I answered "so is the mission over" he ask "yea pretty much" I answer his question

*At the commission"
*Fives pov*

Me and y/n walk in the commission and she leads me to an apartment type building and she tells me "this where I will be staying until I can afford one of my own" she hands me a key and walks away I unlock the door and walk in "it's small" I say showing myself around

*Time skip to a year ig*

I have seen y/n around but we don't talk as much anymore and she just gets prettier and prettier everyday. We had a meeting today at the commission and the handler said "today we're having a party to congratulate five Hargreeves and his 180th mission"

*Y/ns pov*

Me and five haven't talked in a year I don't know if I did something wrong or not but I do catch him glaring at me every now I walked out of the meeting with everyone else I then walk to my room and get ready for the party I showered and did my makeup and hair then I found the perfect dress (imagine what you want) then it was time I went down to the party and instantly noticed five he was in a crowd of people congratulating him by the bar I go to order a drink and sit by the crowd and I see five spacial jump out of the crowd and orders a drink he sits next to me we talked a little I told him congratulations and he thanked me he told me all the bloody details how the mission went we drank and drank laughing and talking *god I didn't realize how much I missed this* I thought it myself then everything went black

*Fives pov*

Me and y/n were drinking and she got too drunk she was falling she pulled me to dance with her then she fell so I carried her to her room and she asked "five can you stay I missed you" so I decided to stay until she fell asleep but y/n had other plans she said she wanted to throw up so I spacial jumped to the bathroom she got a little on herself so I let the bath run and told y/n to undress then sit in the bath while I look for her clothes once I found a pair of black underwear and a matching bra (not a matching lace set its just black) I got her a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt I knock on the bathroom door and walk in y/n was in the bath I put her clothes down and got her a towel and placed it with her clothes I then grab her shampoo to wash her hair and as I'm rubbing it in y/n starts telling me " five I've always liked you from the moment I saw you and after our first mission I thought I did something wrong or you didn't like me since we stopped talking but I've always had feelings for you" "oh y/n you didn't do anything wrong I just thought you didn't want to talk to me and I have feelings for you too" I responded to her "No five I love you" I then wash her out her hair and start to put conditioner into her hair "five?" She asked "hmm" I answered " do you not love me too" I wash her hair out thinking about her question " no y/n I do love you" I decided to tell her it's not like she'll remember right? I was her body and get her dressed then I put her in bed she then grabbed my arm as it's her way of telling me to stay

The assassin's wife حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن