Episode 1 : Crazy Encounter

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"My feeet hurrrrrrtssss can we take a break ?" Mindy whined as her ears went droppy. "Aaaachooo!" Marina sneezed.

Vegito frowned at the girls and blew his top. "Broly, was it necessary for you to bring the girls along on this trip?" Broly let out a sigh. "Vegito it was Gogeta's idea so yell at him."

Vegito glared over at Gogeta " Gogeta explain now!" Gogeta rolled his eyes "If you want to know, Mr. Grumpy-Saiyan, Lesly here insisted that girls should tag along."

Vegito's eye's twitched "yea this isn't a fucking field trip Gogeta, like we wanted a Saiyan that sneezes and a neko Saiyan tagging along for a dragon ball trip." "Vegito Mindy can sense dragon balls you know." Crystal said getting ahead of everyone else. 

Lesly nodded a, she sure can, then she took a bite of her cookie. Vegito snatched Lesly cookie and ate all of it. Lesly hissed at him and folded her arms.

Broly let out another sigh can't we just get along for once. Maya shook her head. "sadly no Broly."

Mindy's tail suddenly sprang up Gogeta darted his eyes to Mindy "Guys I think Mindy found the last dragon ball. "

Marina spun around in circles "Finally, I get to grant a wish from Shrenon!"
Vegito hissed. "No you don't, remember the last wish you made? leave the wishing to me."

Marin kicked Vegito. "I do too, Vegito!" Mindy spun around. "Guys stop the fighting and hating we're here." Crystal's eyes started to sparkle like bright stars. "OH MY FUCKING KAMI THIS VEGGIE'S HOUSE !!!!!!"

Vegito and Gogeta look at each other in total disbelief. Broly mumbled, "This can't be good. What if Vegeta and Goku see these two." 

Mindy's tail started to wag. "They'll be so excited to meet both their fused forms at the same time." Everyone but Mindy fell over anime style.

"What did I say something wrong?" Mindy titled her head to side.

"Enough chitchat. Lets get that last dragon ball." Lesly said then shot a ki blast at the door. 

"Huh what was that sound." Maya tilted her head. "That voice sounds familiar for some reason."  Vegito picked Maya up by her tail. "You can't be serious of course, that voice is familiar it belongs to kakarot. How stupid can you be?"

Lesly randomly took a frying pan and hit Vegito with it.

"Serves you right." Marina stuck her tongue out at Vegito.  Gogeta looked around the area and started to panic "WHERE THE FUCK IS CRYSTAL !!!!" Gogeta shouted, Broly pointed inside of Vegeta's house.

"She's inside the house." Vegito got furious. "Damn it is she trying to get discovered right now!?"

Just when everyone was about to go in the house they ran into Goku, Vegeta , Gohan, Goten, and Trunks who so happen to be carrying Crystal over his shoulder. 

Vegito frowned "See kids this what happens when you wander off and get fucking caught for it." Marina rolled her eyes. He has such a foul mouth today.

Mindy smiled. " 'Gito didn't have his morning coffee this morning like everyone else." Vegeta and Goku couldn't stop looking at Gogeta and Vegito in disbelief. 

Lesly and Gohan couldn't stop staring at each other either.  Same thing for Goten and Mindy but Mindy couldn't stop wagging her tail when her eyes met with Goten's. As for Crystal she just hung over Trunks' shoulder. 

What will Goku and Vegeta do are say about seeing both of their fusion forms in front of them ? And will Vegito and his gang finally get the last dragon ball to grant their wish ?

Find out next  time on Quest For The Dragon Ballz!

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