ellison's story

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side characters, secondary to one, flat to the untrained eye. 

but as the main story is told, her understudies are moving, speaking to one another, seeing what she cannot.

Ellison Stone 

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Ellison Stone 

dear mireille, 

we see, through your eyes, your lens, your limited perspective. 

speak, in tone, with your tongue, from one-sided opinions. 

hear what you choose to hear. the lies, the proclamations, the grand gestures, the poetry, the revelations, the thrown-out speeches, the hand-written notes you never send, the inner thoughts in the quiet. 

we feel your spirit, in your reality. your loving soul, your crushing loneliness, your longing for true happiness, inner peace, and a genuine hand to hold. 

you hold one hand over one eye, one hand tied behind your back. 

how can we know, how can you know? 

Angelina Ripley 

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Angelina Ripley 

dear mireille, 

In trained silence, I watch the people in your life,

while you smile like daylight, your best friend cries in the dark only after midnight. 

while you dance barefoot in the city streets, she falls apart where no one can see, no one can hear. the only sound the echo on the empty walls of a lonely house, not even one to call a home. 

while you capture her beauty and grace, she fakes passion for your sake

but that's not where her heart lies. 

while you slowly fall in love, she falls deeper and deeper into the spider's web, learning its tricks. 

you - tender touch, longing glances, new lovers, gentle shoulders to cry on, finding yourself. 

her - bruises around her neck, 2 am hookups with strangers, rough nights followed by choking tears, lies leading to more lies as her identity crumbles. 

I see her, I know her, I've known her. 

I wish to know her again. 


you are gazing into a blurry looking glass, your back turned to the suffering of others. 

look over your shoulder, at us, at her, open your eyes, untie your hands. 

special guest appearances from the cast of Stranger Things and Mireille Duffer. 


this story is told in dual timelines. every chapter will switch between Ellison's college days and his perspective of the events in London Boy. 

I don't know if people want to read the story from Ellison's perspective but I am going to post anyway because it helps me flesh out the characters. I've never written from the perspective of a man before. I am excited to try it out just for my own practice and craft. 

I don't know why but my brain is actively trying to turn this story into a thriller/horror novel and I have to fight that instinct with every bone in my body. help!

trigger warning: also, this story does touch on sensitive topics such as suicide, self-harm, sexual assault/rape. It's not graphic but I just want to warn readers beforehand. 

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