Chapter 140

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Chapter 140 Offerings

    Everyone else was shocked when they heard it. Was Ge Haiqing actually a good person with such noble feelings? Not at all! But looking at Bai Wenxia's firm belief, they couldn't tell the truth, so they all nodded and said that they will make up for it tomorrow... Although no one knows whether Bai Wenxia can live until tomorrow.

    The most dangerous time in the first half of the night was assigned to Bai Wenxia, ​​and other times were much easier to arrange.

    Xing Zhenyu asked Xiao Li to put all the cabinets on the door, and looked at Bai Wenxia with concern, and said very pompously, "If something happens, call us immediately to help."

    When Xiao Li placed the cabinet, He moved his hands and feet secretly. He did know that if these monsters rushed into the building, it would be dangerous. Don't kill Bai Wenxia and also have an accident... But since in the afternoon, only one other monster died in the building. I won't attack anymore, so tonight should be about the same. If he had that cautious temperament, he wouldn't have done these crazy backstabs on his teammates.

    Xiao Shen hesitated to speak, and when no one was paying attention, he took Bai Wenxia to a secluded place secretly, and said, "Sister Xia, tonight may be very dangerous, I heard some news in the village today, about these Scarecrow."

    "Oh? You talk about it." Bai Wen Xia was very excited, so he wouldn't be sleepy after listening to this.

    "It is said that these scarecrows were originally made by the villagers in order to make sacrifices for themselves, and they were all to be burned on the day of the last ceremony. At the beginning, they looked very crude. But after the failure of the last ceremony, these scarecrows were Not only did the scarecrow not burn down, but it became more and more bizarre, more and more like a human being, and would subconsciously search for his own body... These villagers also seemed to have absorbed the power of life from them, and this became what it is now. "

    Then why didn't they dismantle these scarecrows?" Bai asked Xia.

    "Because these scarecrows are closely related to them, unless they are burnt on the day of the ceremony, they will be injured themselves, and the villagers can't do anything about them." Xiao Shen said.

    "I see." Bai Wenxia nodded and suddenly remembered the scarecrows he saw that day, "Then we also have scarecrows?

    " We copied our image in this village." Xiao Shen sighed, "I feel that tonight, those scarecrows who look like us will come over! At that time, they will definitely want to come in by any means... I think Sister Xia Do you need to find a few more people to watch the night with?"

    "Oh?" Bai asked Xia Jingxiu, "It's alright, you all stay well, if something happens, I will be the first to call you out." Then

    Xiao Shen left worriedly Now, it seems that the things she worries about are far more than what she said.

    What Xiao Shen didn't know was that Bai Wenxia had a plan in mind. If you can really see his scarecrow stand-in, and then pretend to kill the scarecrow unintentionally, wouldn't you be able to die on the spot!

    Although it seems a little difficult to find an excuse for this scarecrow who is dedicated to attacking himself without affecting others, there is always hope, and this is his rare opportunity!

    That night, Bai Wenxia searched for a long time in this dilapidated house, pulled out a rusted pitchfork and placed it next to him, sitting in the hall in good spirits waiting for the arrival of these monsters. This can be said to be the most anticipated thing after he came to this dungeon.

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