Two: Grace Ventura

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"Sacred is the prayer that asks for nothing, oh
While seeking to give thanks for every breath we take, oh
Blessed are we inside this prayer
For in the new world, we will be there,"


London, England.

"Bend over," Prince said softly, deeply laughing when his fiancée hit his arm with narrowed eyes and sarcasm that dripped from every word as they both attempted to actually shower, but kept getting distracted by each other's presence.

Touching, exploring, pleasuring one another without physical intimacy became their master game. A spiritual journey that brought their souls closer with each form of affection they chose to partake in. She'd fallen so in love in such a short time that she knew he was hers, as she was his.

She snickered and turned around to face him, her lips barely touching his skin. "No sir. I don't do that." Feeling her pull away, Prince looked at her confused and captured her lips before she could get away.

"Please? Just for a second. No funny business. Promise." He said truthfully, touching her upper body at the same time she touched him. Slowly, gently, intimately without initiating anything sexual, their lips met. It was sensual kisses down his neck, him caressing her back near her spine as he held her close and softly kissed the corner of her mouth near her dimples he adored. The little things.

Sighing, Prince's fiancée bit her lip. "You promise?" She asked softly, clearing her throat. It hurt and was painful enough that even swallowing felt like razor blades.

The doctor on call reassured them that she wasn't contagious. Her body was trying to adjust to the different climate changes, and she'd be better in a couple days. For the vomiting, he suggested strips that go under the tongue.

The doctor also advised the couple to make an appointment with an OB when they returned home to the states, which Prince had already done while in Milan.

"You just have to let it run its course. She's a healthy young woman with no history of medical problems. Just make sure she gets rest so her immune system won't be broken down. Other than that, you have nothing to worry about." The doctor said with confidence.

The medical professional had left over an hour ago and they'd been in the shower ever since. Prince kissed his fiancée's cheek, whispering so only she could hear. "I promise, amore mio."

"Oh, you speak Italian now?" She asked jokingly, moving behind his body and placing a kiss in between his shoulder blades. The vibration of his laugh tickled her mouth before she moved back in front of him again. "That's sexy."

Prince couldn't help but laugh again as their lips connected for the tenth time. He picked her left leg up and held it near his hip. "No, not really. I only know two words." He replied while hiking her leg up more. "Impressed?"

The woman clicked her tongue and smiled, allowing the water to glide down her body without responding, not even noticing that he was still holding her leg behind her knee. The warm sensation of the water made her sigh. It felt heavenly, easing the severe body aches she didn't yet know she was going to experience. She was rapidly changing and was becoming a little self-conscious about being naked in front of him.

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