(21) Wall Watchers

Start from the beginning

Once there, Jon saw the same girl casually sitting next a woman with pure white hair, as if she hadn't just been riding on the back of a dragon moments before.

Her eyes twinkled at them as they entered, all manners leaving Jon as he stared at her.

"Gentlemen," The white haired woman at the head of the table nodded at them, but they were all unsure of what to do as they stared at her.

Finally Sam gathered some sense when Ser Barris flicked him on the ear, bowing to Daenerys and Rhaenerys.

Not wanting to be rude, Jon and Edd followed suit. But the bastard's eyes never left Rhaenerys', who blushed at the sudden attention.

"Y-Your Grace," Sam stuttered awkwardly, not know if he was committing treason or not. "I'm Samwell T-Tarly and this is Edd," He pointed to the skinny man beside him, "And Jon Snow."

"Your Grace," Jon averted his eyes from Rhaenerys as the task at hand came crashing back to him. Daenerys pursed her lips as she saw him.

"So you're man that claims White Walkers march upon us," She mused as Jon nodded. "Please, sit."

Jon didn't know why his heart started hammering as he sat directly in front of Rhaenerys.

Her brown eyes watched him curiously, her heart panting as she saw the similarities between him and Robb.

"Thank you for having us here," Jon started, a slight shake in his voice. "F-For listening. That's more than a lot of people these days would do."

"It is a good thing the Queen is not just anybody," Missandei spoke up from behind her. "She is merciful and just, no matter the cause. Her mercy is the reason you are here."

Three men stared blankly at curly haired woman.

"Er...right," Sam cleared his throat, "I suppose we ought to explain ourselves then," He said as he looked at Edd and Jon.

His companions nodded and Jon gravely began to explain the situation with the White Walkers.

He explained everything that he had seen personally and the things that had happened at Castle Black.

And apparently, more things were happening at the wall than anyone realized. Rhaenerys frowned when Jon began to tell them of the mutiny he experienced, his own men betraying him and attempting to end his life for uniting them with the wildlings.

By sheer luck Jon had survived, but now things were more tense than ever and Rhaenerys could tell he probably needed their help more than they let on.

"So let us set this straight," Daenerys said as he finished his tale. Jon fiddled with his hands. "You want us, our armies and our Dragons to go North, abandon everything we've fought for here, for what— mere legends of monsters in the dark?" She asked.

"They're not legends," Jon said, clearly frustrated that another person didn't believe him. "They're real and I've seen them myself. So has Sam, and Edd."

The two men nodded as to back up their friend and Lord Commander.

Daenerys still wasn't convinced, and truthfully neither was Rhaenerys. She didn't want to leave anyways as Daenerys was right—their business in the south wasn't finished by a long shot.

"They're real, and yet you have no proof," Rhaenerys rose her eyebrow at the man. "Stories that have no grounds to back them up are called legends, Jon Snow."

He frowned at the brunette girl.

"Dragons were once legends too," He told her boldly, "And yet Targaryen's are still riding on their backs today. And imagine  not many people believe this, either, but it is real."

At this, both Daenerys and Rhaenerys frowned.

Jon was right, of course, but neither wanted to admit it. Daenerys shared a look with Rhaenerys as Edd began to speak.

"We're willing to bring ya proof if that's what ya want," He finally said, "But if the walkers come south before that can happen- don't say we didn't warn ya."

Ser Barris narrowed his eyes at the subtle threat to his Princess and Queen. Rhaenerys' eyes widened.

"That doesn't sound friendly, considering you want us to help you," She told Edd.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "It's the truth," He said honestly. "You all can sit here and call us liars, tell us things people ain't told us a thousand times before. But as long as you stay here, you'll never be able to see the real enemy before it's too late. Won't be no use in being Queen if you ain't got a kingdom to rule over."

Edd's words nearly chilled everyone in the room to the bone but Jon truthfully couldn't have said it better himself.

If it was a throne Daenerys wanted then she could chase it for as long as she wanted. But that didn't mean it would be there when she finally took it.

"Well then..." Rhaenerys shared a look with Daenerys and unofficially, the two Targaryen girls decided that maybe Jon Snow didn't come all this way for nothing after all. "It seems we may have a lot to talk about after all."

"You have no idea," Jon Snow said, blowing out a breath. "This is just the beginning of it."

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