
"That speech was rather clever of your niece," Lord Varys commented as he sat with Daenerys and Viscerys later that evening at Drangonstone.

Viscerys scoffed at this but Daenerys smiled, nodding in agreement and pride.

"She's managed to double our forces all on her own," Daenerys told him, "We got more men in a day than what we sailed to Westeros with."

"All because of her defiance," Viscerys hissed.

Even though Rhaenerys did gather them more forces, Viscerys was still angry that she dare stand up and announce herself like that. Not to mention that people were starting to look at Rhaenerys the way they should be looking at him.

He was their king after all, but the two women were all anyone ever whispered about.

It sickened him.

"Her antics, no matter how defiant, got us ships and men that you would have lost us with your mouth!" Daenerys snapped.

"You would dare—"

"Yes, I would dare speak my king like that!" She finished for him. "It seems all you ever do is mess things up and Rhaenerys and I are the ones to pick up after you."

Varys pursed his lips at the silent rage between the two siblings.

Meanwhile, Rhaenerys sighed as fatigue seeped over her small body, eyes nearly fluttering shut as Ser Barrie walked her back to her room.

After the days events, she wanted nothing more than to lie down and rest her mind. Only slightly, very slightly, did she want to also escape the wrath of Viscerys which she knew was coming.

To ensure its postponement, she asked Ser Barris and Wrymrot to personally guard her room tonight and not let anyone in except for Daenerys.

With this established, Rhaenerys retreated into her chambers after bidding them goodnight and expected to crawl into her bed and pass out after that.

Only, her expectations were diminished when a hand was clamped over her mouth, causing Rhaenerys to scream despite the owner of the voice whispering in her ear,

"Don't scream!"

Doing just that, Rhaenerys struggled in his grip but luckily for him it was muffled due to his previous actions.

Not even a seconds later, Rhaenerys' captor let her go and she spun around with fear in her eyes to face him.


The words died on her lips as quickly as they came as her eyes met those of Robb Stark's, the young wolf tensed and alert.

He placed a single finger to his lips as Ser Barris immediately began knocking on her door, but with a weak voice Rhaenerys managed to tell him it was only a misunderstanding.

"I...I saw a bug," She said, just to assure him. "Everything is alright."

After locking the door and running over to the part of her room that was furthest from the door, Rhaenerys looked at Robb and exclaimed in the quietest voice she could—

"What on the gods green earth are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to come and meet you," Was the boys cheeky yet concerning reply and Rhaenerys' mouth dropped at his words.

"Are you mad?!" She took a look at the door and scolded him despite her rapidly fluttering heart. "I don't even know you! If I had screamed any louder they would have killed you! Why would you—how did you even—"

"Your security really needs to be amped up," Robb said as he took a glance at the open window.

Rhaenerys gasped at him. "You risked death by sword and dragon fire just to tell me that?" She asked.

The look on Robb's face told her otherwise.

It was the same he gave her earlier that day, and the same look she had given him.

A look of admiration and utter curiosity for the enemy sitting across from the other.

It was the look of two teenagers who knew they could never be together or meet, and yet here Robb Stark was—risking it all just to say hello.

"I told you, I came to meet you," He said gently, taking her hand in his. Rhaenerys stifled a gasp as he bowed, planting a kiss on her hand before slowly releasing it. "Your majesty."

"My Lord," Rhaenerys giggled as a warm hue trickled onto her cheeks.

"Might I say that it is lovely to finally meet you," Robb said.

"And I you," Rhaenerys replied, breathless at his stare.

Robb couldn't help it—the girl in for the of him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and everything in his body craved her from the moment they locked eyes.

Her doe-like stare made the wolf inside of him hungry. And likewise, the dragon opposite of him wanted to wrap him her flames and devour him.

But unfortunately for them both, Robb suddenly remembered the reason he was there. The real reason.

"I'm afraid I came all this way just to bare bad news as well," He told Rhaenerys, watching as the moment between them turned from romantic to fearful. "King Robert—I heard from my father that he plans to attack Dragonstone tomorrow. He wants to kill everyone that betrayed him and get rid of your aunt and uncle."

"Tomorrow?" Rhaenerys gasped. "But that—there's no time! I don't think our armies or the men that pledged themselves to us today are ready!"

"You have to get them ready," Robb pleaded as he took her hands in his once again. "Call your guards—get them the ring the bells. Tell everyone that will listen that Robert is coming and there isn't anyone that
he'll spare."

At this, Rhaenerys felt tears prick her eyes at the horrible news and silently tried to gather her words together. When they failed her, Robb planted a single kiss on her forehead before making his way back to the window.

"Gather your men!" He called as he began to slip back down the castle. "Rally the banners—do that and there might not be a need to use dragon fire."

Rhaenerys quickly ran over and peaked her head out of the window to see him again. She watched sorrowfully as the beautiful boy departed, wishing she had more time with him that night.

But alas, she had soldiers to gather and guards to warn. And so, casting Robb Stark out of her mind, she quickly ran to the door and banged on it as hard as she could.

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