Chapter 7: A Step Ahead

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I found it," he holds the sticky note for her to see, "Now we can properly make the pancakes."

"Yay!" she celebrated.

"Now, since we have four mouths to feed, suppose we make more than the measurements listed," he looks at the note, "Assuming the measurements listed are for two sets of pancakes, we'll have to double that."

"That would be a lot to make," Nanako commented.

"Though it might be a hassle to repeat, we don't want to keep us starving for long."

"Nope," she shook her head, "Should we get started?"

"Yeah, we already stalled long enough."

Sunny and Nanako looked through the note before they prepared the batter. Sunny handled the amount of ingredients poured into the measuring cup and Nanako put them into the bowl and cracked the eggs in as well. Sunny grabs a whisk for Nanako to mix the ingredients, while he holds the bowl for anchoring.

After the batter is mixed, Sunny lets it settle and heads to the oven to heat the pan. He grabs the butter to grease up for the pancakes to not stick on the pan. With the pan ready, Nanako brings the bowl to the counter and Sunny uses a large spoon to scoop up the batter to pour on the pan.

The batter sizzles when in contact with the pan and Sunny lets it cook before flipping it over after a minute. The surface of the pancake is a perfect golden brown, having Sunny praise himself from the moment. He cooks the rest of the pancakes and places them on the plate, stacking three on one plate.

With each plate having the finished pancakes, Nanako and Sunny take them to place on the table, then they finish them up with a drizzle of syrup and some butter on top. Finally, they pour glasses of milk to complete the breakfast. After all of the cooking, the two looked at the finished product, feeling proud of their work.

"They look yummy," Nanako said happily, "I bet Big Bro and Yosuke will love it."

"Bet they will," Sunny replied, "We did a good job, high five."

Sunny raises a hand toward Nanako and she gives a high five to him while giggling. The two then hear a couple of footsteps by the hallway, seeing Yu and Yosuke walking out tiredly with Izanagi and Jiraiya trailing behind. Yu was the first to notice the smell of pancakes, drifting his eyes to the table with plates of food.

He widened his eyes, "Woah, they look great," he muttered, then shifting his eyes to Sunny and Nanako, "Did you two make them?"

"Yep, we did," Nanako said in pride.

"I never knew you could cook, Suzuki," Yosuke said as he went to one of the chairs to sit, "Honestly, I'm quite surprised."

"I mean... I did follow the recipe Yu provided, so... it isn't me that I made it," Sunny clarified.

"You kidding? Even if Yu did make this recipe, you follow it up well," Yosuke proceeds to pick up a fork to take a piece of pancake.

He takes a bite and hums simply, "This is good," Yosuke comments, "It isn't as delicious as Yu made it, but it's made decent to be edible."

"Should I take it as a compliment?" Sunny questioned.

"Of course you do, who do you think I am?"

Sunny simply shrugs in response and proceeds to another seat to eat his breakfast with Yu and Nanako following along. As they ate, they let themselves engage in small talk, mostly for Nanako to talk about her school days. Soon, they clean up their plates and glasses to place inside the sink, then the three boys proceed to Yu's bedroom to change. Sunny gathered his belongings and stuffed them into his bag, waiting for his friends to finish up as well. After that, they exit the room and walk outside of the house, with Nanako waiting at the front.

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