Chapter 2: Sleepless Nights

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It's been a while since I updated, but I have been working on personal stuff and works related to this fic. If you haven't heard, I have a YouTube channel and Instagram account where I post works about it. If you have the time, feel free to check it out.


Sunny opens his eyes to see he is in the Dream World again, having him to sit up to look around. It reminds him of the nightmare he had the other day, which nearly sent him into a panic. What he can do is sit here and wait for any strangers to appear, but nothing seemed to pop up. Sunny stands up from the ground and keeps watch around the place, hoping nothing spawns in. But the more he waits, the silence starts to become audible to him. He sighs, maybe it wouldn't be the case and he might just be paranoid.

Sunny lets himself walk around the forest, following the path in front of him. He then spots a sign with arrows pointing at certain locations, meaning there could be places he can go to easily like before. Sunny takes a look at it and there are places he is familiar with back then. He decides to turn to where the playground is, walking along the path. When he reaches the place, all Sunny can see is an abandoned area. The sight of it does send shivers through his body, it gives him a sense of loneliness that he never felt before.

Sunny proceeds to walk through the playground while observing the area. The swings moved from the wind, along with the tetherball moving on a string attached to a pole. The leftover toys are spread across the ground, having Sunny walk over jacks to not step on them. There seems to be a comforting yet isolated feeling to it, though it is unsettling for Sunny to be in. He felt like he can settle himself here for a while until he wakes up. Sunny decided he can sit on one of the swings and play around for a bit, just to pass the time while he is in Dream World.

As Sunny is about to reach the swings, a gushy splash is heard from behind. He turns around to see a stranger nearby, getting closer to him. Sunny curses under his breath and turns to flee from it. He runs to the exit of the playground, but a couple more appear in front of him. Sunny tries to turn to escape, but more of them starts to surround him. The moment their hands start to reach for Sunny, all he can feel is the massive weight that pulls him to the ground.


He wakes up with a gasp, breathing erratically, his heart pounding rapidly, and his body shaking. Sunny attempts to sit up from his bed as he looks around his room. He has that nightmare again, but it seems to start differently, but normally. Then, having to be confronted by the strangers again as they grab and pull him down. Sunny tries to think of why he has to experience this again and for what reason.

If he can tell, Sunny assumes it could be a message to him, a sign that something is wrong. Despite that thought, he can't tell what it's trying to tell him. Then again, if this is related to what had happened years ago, Sunny would've looked through this if it weren't for it to be sudden. Right now, he should settle and calm down before he gets back to sleep. Sunny takes a few breaths before he lays down on the bed, closing his eyes to return to sleep.

Tuesday 9/09

Sunny groggily enters the school, rubbing his head after a while of getting ready. The nightmare doesn't seem to leave his mind even if he tries to forget. This is bothersome for him if he had to focus in school, having it fester on his mind as it goes on. He stopped and leaned onto a wall, having to think about the reasoning for having to experience a reoccurring nightmare. As he is in thought, he isn't aware that his two friends are coming his way.

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