chapter 10

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jungwon tried his best not to be noticed by his mother but luck just wasn't on his side, instead his ma'am sat next to him.

now he is just praying his mom don't look at him and try his best to look at the window, but...

a tap caused jungwon to look at the other "jungwon..." she she uttered as she shed a tear years without his son, his son suddenly disappearing.

she hugged him immediately but jungwon pushed away

"how dare you hug me after making me feel terrible all my life, I've listened to you I've wasted my life studying a course you wanted me to have and you didn't even bother asking me what I want, you want me to pursue your dreams, you were so happy but I was at my lowest. don't ever expect to come back on the household ever again and don't bother asking where I live. "

luckily the bus stopped and he got out, the trauma started to come back again, all the times when his mom would yell at him when he got a grade lower than 96, when he couldn't answer his mom's questions, when his mom made him take advanced doctor surprise quizzes on their house, even his dad didn't help him, they were both the same. his thoughts where roaming to places till he got to his home, no not the house but sunoo.

he ran to the door and opened it, and saw sunoo laying down, tears fell as he embraced sunoo. crying on the olders shoulders and murmuring about his traumatic experience.

there was nothing sunoo could do but just let the younger rest on him as he strokes his hair sunoo said the most comforting words a person could need, he kissed jungwons forehead till they both fell asleep.

when jungwon finally woke up he thought to himself how lucky he was to even have someone like sunoo, a caring, loving, nice sunoo the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.

but not even a moment later a knock was created, it kept getting louder till jungwon got irritated and opened it, his mom.

d-did she track me down..  jungwon thought to himself, scared.

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