let's meet up.

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"what happened to you were going to try to stop him?"
Asked on-jo in furry as she, cheong-san and a very uncomfortable wu-jin, ji-yeoung, nam-ra su-hyeok dae-su and gyeoung-su walked along the city sidewalk. "I'm sorry! I told him but he decided to come along anyway!" "So he ignored you when you told him not to come with us... I'm going to hand it to that jerk!" Growled on-jo. But nam-ra had already stepped up. "You know, we were all at the table when you stopped by today and cheong-san clearly expressed how he wouldn't like you guys to come along with us. So could you please explain to me while you're still walking here with us?" " Me and my friend here simply had nothing else to do after school. Is it so bad that I wanted to hang out with my friend cheong-san's group?" Cheong-san flinched. He did not want gwi-nam to call him his friend. "But still. When someone tells you they don't want you to come along with them somewhere, you should respect what they're saying and listen. Besides, I know you have 10 other friends you could hung out with instead of coming along with us." Said nam-ra calmly. "Look hot stuff, you really need to chill. Is it so bad that we wanted to hang out with other people today, you brat?" Growled gwi-nams friend. "Don't talk to her like that!" said on-jo. "Why you little---" gwi-nam put a hand on his friends shoulder. "We're sorry for making you all that uncomfortable we'll leave, but only if you promise to hang out with me alone somtime, cheong-san."everyone's turned to cheong-san and gave him different signals telling him to say no. At this point both On-jo and su-hyeok had had enough of gwi-nam. "He doesn't need to go anywhere---" started on-jo in fury but cheong-san covered her mouth. "It's a deal. I'll try to make some time on recess this Monday." "But cheong-san-" started su-hyeok, but he was cut off by gwi-nam. "It's a deal! Bye now!" He then walked away his friend at his heels. Cheong-san suddenly felt a sharp pain on the hand he had covering on-jo's mouth and pulled away in horror. "Did you bite me?!" He asked. "That's besides the point!! Why would you say yes to that--conniving idiot?!"she pointed after gwi-nam. "Yeah, I also don't think that was the best idea." Said gyeoung-su. Everyone else agreed. "That jerk wouldn't leave us alone otherwise... Besides, it's just one meet up! I'm sure everything will be fine." Explained cheong-san. "Now let's go to the park so we can have our picnic, I'm hungry!" He walked away quickly, purposely going ahead of everyone. "I really think he's made a bad decision..." Sighed on-jo, still furious about the situation that just unfolded.
"Next week sure is going to be interesting..."
Mumbled su-hyeok.

Oblivious. (Su-hyeok X Cheong-san.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें