Autumn Pierce (Stranger Things)

85 7 15

Love interest: Steve Harrington

Name: Autumn Pierce
Nicknames: Auty

Height: 5'2

Age: 18

Face claim: Abigail Cowan

Personality: Quiet most of the time except for when she is with her close friends, creative, loves to draw and paint, very caring and will fight fiercely for the people she loves, bad temper, not very confident, withdrawn, distracted easily, feels...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Personality: Quiet most of the time except for when she is with her close friends, creative, loves to draw and paint, very caring and will fight fiercely for the people she loves, bad temper, not very confident, withdrawn, distracted easily, feels like an outsider, impulsive at times

Likes: Art, music (not extremely loud music or metal), long walks, hugs and cuddles, naps, dancing, being with close friends, movies, car rides, passive aggression, lame jokes, reading but loves being read to even more because she struggles to do so on her own, sunflowers

Dislikes: Rain, loud noises, liars, feeling lonely, not knowing how to do something, her dyslexia

Strengths: Flexible, high pain tolerance, quick thinker, adapts well to change

Weaknesses: Tires easily, clumsy, headaches a lot, allergic to mangos (breaks out in hives but still tries to eat them), dyslexic

Father: Unknown
Mother: Molly Pierce

Lived with her mom up until she graduated when she got a small apartment for herself. She works at the same store Joyce did in the seasons prior to season 4. This is how she knew the Byers and got involved in the Upside Down chaos while helping Joyce. She graduated the same year as Steve and Nancy and became close to the two after Will went missing. She started to develop feelings for Steve around the time he changed when he and Nancy broke up.

She's very timid and not very outgoing. Throughout her high-school years she was constantly bullied for being "stupid" in reality she struggled in school due to her dyslexia. Even most of the teachers gave her a hard time and it wasn't realized what was wrong until late in her junior year. Still this did not stop the teasing. To make up for where she lacks she is very artistic and good with math oddly enough. Even though she is out of school she is still at times treated like she knows much less than others.

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