Chen & (Y/N)

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Small thing I did for my Jester oc Chen. Enjoy 😹

(Y/N) walks on through the crowded streets of a city built from the ancient Sha'rai on the way to the local library. They have recently moved here from Neveria in search of more tales of the past and wish to share what they learn. However, despite how prospering Sha'rai is, it has proven to be a challenge finding new stories about the lands history that they had not found in Neveria.

Disheartened, they came across a poster for a local library that had stood for many centuries. This brings hope to (Y/N) and they pull out their phone to search the directions with their online map. "Finally! A lead to what happened to the king may be there! I gotta hurry, looks like it's gonna close soon!" They speak to themselves receiving odd looks from passerbys. They chuckle awkwardly and keep their head down as they follow the map to the library.

While walking, they do not notice a group of people gathered in front of them and they bump right into the backs of the people who seem quite interested in what they're seeing. Confused, (Y/N) attempts to walk around only to catch what one person in the center of the group says;

"You wish to hear of a mighty foe,
But all I wish to share are tales of woe!
Tales of adventure,
Tales of great danger!
I present you all the secrets of a royal,
Who shed a kings blood so the people will only to him be loyal."

(Y/N) stops and turns to look through the crowd of people. In the center, (Y/N) can catch glimpses of moving colors. Curious, and completely forgetting about the library, (Y/N) moves forward and pushes through the crowd to find a tall man dressed as a jester from history. He holds a lute and strums a beautiful tune as his words literally rhyme and dance into the ears of all who surround him.

Once he says he won't tell a story about a battle, some people leave while others raise questions. He strums a note and raises his gloves hand.

"Your voices are heard
And hearts are adored!
But listen close to my story,
Perhaps you'll drop your worry."

With this, the crowd silences and he continues to strum his instrument with practiced grace. (Y/N) can not help but be captivated by the man's voice and music as he begins to sing his tale.

"Tales of old and tales untold,
A story left to rot and mold~
I share the tale of king and friend,
The night which only one will end!

Sha'rai I am loyal,
Neveria I am cold,
Long live our heros,
The story we were told!

Cross past the borders,
And see the iron throne,
Sha'rai filled with wonders,
Neveria will chill your woe!

The crowd has begun to record and clap along as the jester sings. At this point (Y/N) realizes this may actually serve useful to their search and pulls out a notebook to jot down anything relevant in this song.

The nights in Sha'rai
We're bright as can be!
But no one heard a cry,
From the king who held the key.
Taken from his head,
Was the heavy circlet of gold,
And on to the friend,
Who proved to be his foe!

The jester stops and allows a small musical number which the crowd joined in with claps. (Y/N) gasps at the lyrics and looks at the dancing jester with disbelief "The friend killed this king…? Did anyone see him do it? How are we sure that's true?" Although they were speaking to themselves, a quick moment of eye contact with the jester made their wonder increase. The jester bears mismatched eyes of orange and pink, but also clearly hides a deeper tale behind the mask of performance and mischief. He gives (Y/N) a wink and continues on with a grin as they look on in amused shock. Had he heard them?

"Sha'rai I am loyal,
Neveria I am cold,
Long live our heros,
The story we were told!

Cross past the borders,
And see the iron throne,
Sha'rai filled with wonders,
Neveria will chill your woe!

Hidden in the shadows,
A jester once approved,
Who laughed at fallen,
And questioned the new king's move.

Without much to say,
And a trap that he has set,
The jester was sent away
To find our heroes yet!

Sha'rai I am loyal,
Neveria I am cold,
Long live our heros,
The story we were told!

Cross past the borders,
And see the iron throne,
Sha'rai filled with wonders,
Neveria will chill your woe!

Go visit Lainea!
The land in between.
Sha'rai and Neveria,
They'll prove your hearts are clean.

Sha'rai I am loyal,
Neveria I am cold,
Long live our heros,
The story we were told!"

The jester strums the last note and the crowd erupts into applause. As the crowd leaves, the jester bows his head and wishes them all a safe day. One person however, does not leave. (Y/N) stands in woe at the tale, but is clearly confused. The 2 make eye contact again and the jester gives a wide smile

"I see I have a fan,
But I've never seen you before?
Are you from the land,
That is colder than a storm's core?"

He questions with pure curiosity. It takes (Y/N) a moment to register what he said before it finally clicks. "O-oh! Yes, I'm from Neveria. I've come here looking for more on our land's history and was on my way to the library when I heard your song. Sorry to intrude, but why did the friend kill the king?" The jester chuckles and takes a step forward.

"Afraid I myself do not recall,
For it has been long since the king's fall.
My name is Chen the wonder,
Who may I call my faithful scholar?"

He introduces himself with a small bow and (Y/N) gives a small smile. "I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you! Since you don't know about the reason behind the king's death, do you know anything about that jester? Maybe they wrote about it somewhere?" Chen laughs and moves closer to whisper in their ear…

"The tale you seek,
Is not one I can say.
But the jester in question,
You may have met today~"

(Y/N) stands in disbelief as Chen walks past them. Turning around to try and ask more questions, they found Chen had disappeared. On the ground behind them however was a small note. Picking it up, they read the note as follows…

The lands are joined,
But they were not before.
If you entertain my mind,
I may tell you more~

Follow my sound,
And I'll tell you more.
Through journeys around,
Your mind shall sore.

The people of Sha'rai move about their day unaware while a colorful person travels among them. (Y/N) folds the note and places it in their pocket. "Follow his sound… guess I'm hunting down a lute. Who are you, Chen the Wonder?" They say before checking their phone and freaking out "The library is closed now!? Oh c'mon!" They say as some give them more weird looks and they decide to try again another time, sulking their way to an inn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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