

Shadow realm!

I have to go!

I jump up from my seat, earning some confused and concerned looks.

Y/n:" I hav ego go! I'll see you later!"

I say as I create a portal and was about to jump through, before screaming.

Y/n:" I like the blood-berry pie more, by the way!"

I could hear one more thing before jumping through.


Crysta:" god dammit!"

And the sound of the pan, which the pie was in, hitting the floor.

I jump into the world of mysteries, the halls of darkness, and the corridors of hidden truths.

Looking around for Morgana, I see a golden swoosh fly past me and toward something else.

It was the enchanted forest. The one of Gunmars territory.

She lands with a dramatic pose.

'Oh, yeah, did I mention she was one for the flair of dramatics? *jazz hands*'

If you didn't notice, then sorry but you are a little dummy then, or blind.

I land in the tree, she didn't even notice, before I bluntly ask.

Y/n:" do you like blood-berry more or Strawberry-strong-brains pie?"

She was startled and looks at me in panic before realizing it wasn't just me.

Morgana:" its just you."

She said in relief.

I raise an eyebrow as a gesture to answer my question.

Morgana:" sorry. What? What do you mean by pies?"

Y/n:" I asked if you like blood-berry more, or strawberry-strong-brains pie."

She looks at me confused as I elegantly float down and land in front of her.

Morgana:" what is blood-berry? Also, why are you asking me this? You know I need to find him."

She says shifting her weight to one foot to the other, looking around paranoid.

I on the other hand hum while standing there totally calm and relaxed, while eating the blood-berries I got from the two "vicious" dragons.

Y/n:" you mean Arthur, right?"

She looks at me as if I was dumb.

Morgana:" yes."

She says in a 'duh' tone.

I roll my eyes at her behavior. I put my berries back into my pockets and say.

Y/n:" geez, clam down. If you get anymore tense, Arthur would be able to feel it in the air... so would the rest of the world."

I say as I stuff my hands into my leather jacket. She looks at me irritated, but she knew I was right.

My playful facade was done with and I looked at her with no emotion.

Morgana:" you're right. Why are you here?"

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