Chapter 5.

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Both of your figures stood by the school gates, him as usual holding your umbrella. It was still raining, more then in the morning.

"The rain is not gonna stop isn't it?" You stretched your arm out to feel some of the raindrops hitting you.
"Not until next week." Came from Wakatoshi.

"Hey, Y/N sweety!" You heard and turned around, Wakatoshi only slightly turning his body to look at who the hell just called you sweety. He wasn't really jealous, like the feeling deep inside him was not jealousy. He was rather feeling annoyed. Very annoyed.

"Don't call me that!" You let out annoyed, rolling your eyes. It was a long day, a lot of practice and you still had to do some homework that you couldn't finish in class and you were tired, so you just wanted to go home.

"Yeah whatever, ahm why don't you wanna team up with me anymore? Did I do something? I didn't let you show off enough, right?" Ren said, with a smirk on his face, clearly he was ignoring Wakatoshi, acting like he wasn't intimidated by the look he gave Ren.

"No, the fuck? I already said it's too boring! If I keep teaming up with you all we are gonna do is win and I need a challenge." You were about to turn around when he pulled on your arm wanting you to stay. But his grip on you was too harsh which made you hiss in slight pain.

"Ouch, man are you dumb, let go of me!" You tried to pull away but his grip went even harsher and you hissed again. This time you didn't even have to open your mouth to say anything because Wakatoshi was holding onto Ren's wrist almost crushing it.

"She said let go! So you let go!" Wakatoshi said with a calm voice, but face much more intimidating then usual.

The big muscular men took a step in front of you after Ren let go of your arm.

"Calm down big boy!" He held his hands up in defense.

"You handle her then!" He said and walked away leaving you and Wakatoshi alone.

"Thank you! I didn't thought he would ever do something like that!" You say in a quiet voice rubbing your wrist.
Wakatohsi looked at your wrist as well.

"He probably thought you were his property!" Wakatoshi's eye went to yours and for a second you two held very intense eye contact.

"Okay let's walk home!" You said flustered.
He nodded, and held his arm out for you to link in.

You signed, leaning onto the tall men next to you. Exhausted from what just happened.

"Is everything fine?" He asked looking at your arm for a split second.
"Yeah, don't worry!" He gave you a quick nod and the both of you started walking home.

On your way home you just talked about your day and stuff like that.

"How was your math test?" You asked calmly, remembering the math test he told you about.

"Good." He answered short.

"How was practice?" You asked.

"Good." He answered.

"Okay you gotta give me some more details! Not only one word! Like what happened? Did you guys had a training match? Or everyone for their own? Or whatever you can do." You exclaimed almost out off breath.

"We warmed up. I joined the conversation from the boys while warming up. We didn't had a training match, we just did the regular." He answered your questions in detail this time. But not knowing what 'the regular' is you just nodded.

"What did the boys talk about?" You asked with interest in your voice.

"Girls." That answer surprised you a little bit.

"And you joined in?" He looked at you confused.

Does she think I can't talk about girls?

"Yeah. Why not?" He asked confused.

"For which reason did you join?" At that point your interest in the conversation the volleyball team had, was to the roof.

"Tendou said something about you and it wasn't right so I just corrected him and then we started talking more about you." In that moment you really realized that Ushijima Wakatoshi liked you. That he had a crush on you.

Why, you may asked? Because his eyes sparkled when he talked about you. And his ears became red. And his smile grew.

"Ahh okay. Nice!" You nodded awkwardly. It was the first time a boy that showed interest in you that openly, and the fact that he was talking with his friends about you made you shy.

"Don't worry they like you!" He slightly smiled at you, and that made you flustered, more then you already were.

Coming in front of your house you said your goodbye to him.

"Tomorrow morning! Same time as this morning, okay?" You looked at him from the doorway.

"Okay!" He nodded and you closed the door. He took a moment to get himself together and then he started to walk home.

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