Energy Drinks and Shopping

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Harper's POV

I wake up very early, like four o'clock in the morning early. Getting out of my bed, I find my way to the bathroom in the darkness. I start getting ready for the day ahead of Shade and me. I know she'll just love shopping with me.

It takes me two hours to get out of the bathroom. I'm gorgeous, as always. I walk out of the bathroom and Shannon is still asleep.

"Why are you sleeping this late," I whisper to myself.

I decide to wake her up if she's not awake around 10:30. I grab my laptop from under my bed and login to tumblr. Nothing's on my dashboard, so I just post something and get off.

I look over at Shade and sigh. Why does she sleep late?

I get up and quietly walk over to the door and open it. After getting into the hallway and closing the door, I walk to the lobby.

"Hey, Steven!" I say with enthusiasm.

He looks at me, sighs, then looks back down at his computer. I smile, then hop over the desk. Steven sighs again and looks at me.

"How many times have I told you you're not aloud to be back here?"

"Too many, but you love me, so you'll make an exception."

He rolls his eyes and stares at his computer screen again. I lean over his shoulder to get a better look at it.

"EW, who gets on Facebook now, Steven?"

"I do," he says agitated.

"Well, you need to get a different social profile. How about Twitter?"

"Don't you have a roommate to talk to?"

I nod my head," yep, but she's asleep."

"Go wake her up. I don't need you here."

"Love you, too, Steven," I say walking away.


I'm back in the room and Shade still isn't up. I grab an energy drink from the mini fridge everyone has in their room, open it and take a huge gulp out of it.

It's 11:50 and Shannon isn't up. I guess I'd have to wake her up. I grab my trumpet out from under my bed. Once its out of the case and the mouthpiece is on, I take in a huge breath and blow in the horn. A loud blare comes out of the instrument and Shannon is up within a millisecond.

I sit the trumpet down and take another sip of my drink.

"Hi," I say.

"How long have you been awake?" She asks.

"Since four."

"You wake up early, Harper."

"You wake up late, Shannon."

She stretches and gets out of bed.

"I hope there's hot water," she yawns.

"Plenty," I say.

She goes into the bathroom and I pull out my phone. I dial a special number and it only rings once before the person picks up.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hey, handsome. Wanna go shopping with us? Us as in Shannon, my new roommate, and me."

"I wonder if this new roommate is like the last one."

"I sure do hope not. You know what would happen if she likes you"

"Never put another person in the hospital without telling me."

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