One step ahead

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Freshly done with the shower, so as to wash away the sinful dream that had been haunting her mind, riddhima walked out of the restroom with the blow dyer in her one hand and the hairbrush in another.....

Plugging the dryer, she tried her best at dual tasking but failed miserably, making her sigh in frustration....

"What's up sweetie????"

Inquired her husband as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up, revealing his taut, veiny arms, making riddhima squirm in her place at the sight


"Will you help me dry my hair???"

She inquired as she forwarded the dryer to him, but instead of helping her, he switched it off

"I like this wet and wild look on you..."

He confessed, nuzzling his nose in her wet hair, making her hold back a moan

"It's sexy...."

"Is everything a turn- on for you???"

She questioned feeling his hardness brush against her, as she pushed him away from her to come face to face with him

"When it comes to you, YES..."

"You're insatiable you know that right...."

She admonished, placing the dryer and brush back onto the vanity as she walked towards the bed for the much needed sleep

"Once again...when it comes to you, YES...."

As she rolled her eyes at his comment, a loud shriek left past her lips feeling his gigantic hands over her ankle as he pulled her towards the edge of the bed.....

"Since we're gonna be living in this house for a while, there are certain rules that you need to follow sweetheart...."

Folding her arms against her chest, glaring at him with volcano eyes, almost digging holes in his body with her heated gaze, she spat

"And may i know what these rules are your highness...."

The sarcasm in her voice didn't go unnoticed by him, which made him laugh out loud as he pinched her cheeks, making her huff in annoyance.....

"Don't worry about the other rules....

I can compromise on them....

But there is one rule that cannot be compromised at any cost....."

And that is....


He stated out, making her gasp in shock, as he passed her his notorious smirk.....

"And what are you gonna do if I don't follow your ridiculous "NO PANTIES" rule...."

She rebelled.....only to gasp hearing his answer



Sitting in the lounge, vansh waited for sophia's manager to appear so that he could fix an official appointment to have a talk  with her because now that she had seen how close he and riddhima were, she's never gonna believe the soo called lover boy facade and now the only way to gather information was to talk straight face to face

His Facade (Phase 2)Where stories live. Discover now