Chapter 1

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I walk up to the Salvatore boarding house after 5 years. I miss my best friends. No brothers. I knock on the door to be faced with a petrova. I growl ferociously. "Katerina Petrova why are you here?" I ask lowly and threatening. "you've got it wrong I'm not Katherine I'm elena. Elena Gilbert who are you?" She says with kindness and I melt. "Sorry I have a really rough past with Katherine can I come in please I need to speak to Damon and Stefan Salvatore" I ask softly with a smile. Showing her I mean no harm and she nods and says come In. I walk into the living room thanking the petrova and run up to dam on and jump in his arms. "Little brother!!" I say giggling. He hugs me back holding me securely. "MAL!!" I hear Stefan shout. I get down and run to Stefan. "STEFFY" I yell emotionally. "How are you sis?" He asks me and I smile and get down. "I'm fine steffy I missed you both" I say whilst smiling. I walk up to elena and hug her after a few seconds I let go. "can I be your friend ellie?" I ask her Kindly and I notice her fake smile and nod my smile falters. I think Damon noticed as well because he came and picked me off the ground bridal style and span me like a princess. He puts me down and says "not that I'm not happy to see you mal but how come your here you was hell bent on staying away" it was true I was but then I heard my father was here. "my fathers here Boys I miss my family I'm sorry I don't mean to upset you.." I tell them scared to upset them and they hug me "we'd never be upset for you wanting your dad we love you sweetie you may be older then us vampire wise but we're older then you physically and your my little sister go on go to the house Mal if it makes you happy go for it" day says and I hug him "I love you guys too" I mumble into their chest and whisk away. I arrive at the door and knock. My uncle nik answers and says "excuse me who are you" I take a breath "it's me mal it's me uncle nikky" I say the nickname so he'll believe me as I only ever used that name "lissy?" He asks in a heartbreaking voice and I run to him but am stopped by a barrier and my smile drops. He sees this and yells for someone who then says come in. I run into his arms and he spins me around. I giggle "who's at the door nik?" I hear my father say I get down and run up to him and yell "daddy" whilst crying my eyes out because I'm seeing him for the first time in just over 1000 years. "Princess how are you here?! Where was you?? I searched for you for over a millennia" he asks rushing into things "I was with Mikel he took me daddy he hurt me even went as far to rape me when i misbehaved" I say crying and I feel dad tense under my touch "HE DID WHAT?!" I hear aunt bex and uncle lijah say whilst uncle Finny looks murderous "it's okay mommy Kat helped me out of his hold and helped me run from him" I say whilst giggling and wiping my tears. "is mommys name Katherine princess?" Daddy says and I nod excitingly "speaking of mommy I need to phone her and tell her I've found you safely she's the one who told me you was in mystic falls" I say happily. Whilst daddy looked surprised. "Mal can I speak to mom after you darling?" He asks and I nod.
Katherine pierce helped my niece escape my father. I will grant her the freedom she wants for that I can't believe the selfish bitch actually cares about my niece. My innocent niece and she never corrupted her.
Katherine helped her I'm so grateful. Although I hate the bitch for playing Elijah she helped my niece so I can forgive her and get along with her formal
I knew the Katerina I knew was still there under the Katherine act. My innocent girl who helped animals and babies is still there. I'm happy she helped my niece.
I've heard Katherine is rough and merciless I'm happy she helped my only family member that loves me. I think she is anyways.

I'd always liked Katherine and now I loved her. She helped my daughter I'm getting nik to grant her the freedom and she can come help me raise our daughter. Maybe she will like me eventually.

"Mommy hey ---- yes I've got here safe ------- okay daddy wants you now --- I love you too mom"
I hand the phone to dad

Bold: kol
Italic: Katherine.
Kol I'm sorry, I know I shouldve told you sooner but klaus always had you daggered or you was with klaus and I didn't want to die and leave mal alone. I love that girl like my own please let me be apart of her life.
Katherine says and I listen to her explanation then say
Katherine 1 it's fine I understand and 2 you can be apart of our daughters life I'm not gonna kick you out of it. How fast can you be in mystic falls?
I ask and she sighs.
I'm just outside of mystic falls so about 5 minutes if I vamp speed. I have a house though that I've bought for me and mal. If you want to move in you can but I really want her here with me because it's got many protection spells not even humans can get in without an invite even if it's in a vampires name.
Alr I'll be there in 5 ill get mal to show me the way. Can my siblings move there if they want to as well since it's more protected?
I hear her sigh in defeat
You and your sexy fucking accent
I smirk at the comment that wasn't meant to be heard
Fine yes they can if they want to I have enough rooms.
Alr see you in a minute babygirl
I say to tease her and I can hear her gasp in surprise and mutter
I love him so fuckin much its so fuckin hard to pretend to like Elijah to make this arse jealous.
Aww kat I heard that love you too
Then I end the call to be stared at with shocked faces
"Mal show me to mom's? Please and anyone who wants to follow can come too she said" I say and my daughter nods. And we vamp speed to a house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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