jamil x ace scene 1 (jamil fails)

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Okay, so!

Jamil feels pretty confident in himself. Like, he knows ace well, he's on the same team as him, they have a few similar hobbies, yada yada, you know?

And he's also accounted for Ace being a brat but he also knows that Ace is respectful towards his upperclassmen.

However, what he doesn't realise is that Ace is currently worn out from playing nicey nicey with all his other senpai and would quiet frankly just prefer to collapse onto bed.

(the idiots don't realise how much they're scaring him)

So when his most beloved two faced senpai asks him to go to lunch for a reward he is pissed, tired and hungry and by the end of it jamil is grateful that he is friends with kalim because at least he had funds.

And like Ace says nothing after that and you can see the steam pouting out of jamiks ears and it emphasises how hard its going to be to get Ace to fall for him.

Ace Trappola harem planningWhere stories live. Discover now