Chapter 1

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Harry's (Hadrian's) pov-

It was finally time for me to head to Kings Cross station so I could go to Hogwarts for first year. After Professor Dumbledore droppede back off at the orphanage I had received one of the worst beatings of my life and I'm honestly surprised that I'm still alive. Now I'm slightly limping my way towards the platform between 9 and 10.

I glance around buy I don't see any platform 9 and 3/4 so I was super confused. As I was looking around in confusion I heard a lady yelling about how to get onto the platform so I stuck behind that family but never got to close for them to notice me.

I watched as they all disappeared through a wall so I carefully and quietly slipped through after them. What I saw when I saw the other side made me gasp in amazement.

There was a magnificent red steam engine train that gleaned in the sunlight. The words Hogwarts Express in bold white across the side of it.

My gasp drew the attention of the red headed family in front of me that i had been following and the mother of the group quickly turned to me and smiled brightly.

"Hello Dear! Is this your first time here?" I just stare at the train and nod my head slightly. She chuckles and starts to speak again, "Well my son Ronald is a first year and..." I didn't hear the rest of her sentence because at that moment the whistle blew, telling us that the train would be leaving in 5 minutes.

I glance at the lady and plaster a fake smile on my face, "Sorry Ma'am but I must go before the train leaves." I then turn quickly and make my way quickly to the train. I looked through the small windows on each door, trying to find an empty compartment.

Finally I made it to the back of the train and the very last compartment was empty, so I slipped in and sat next to the window. I just sat in silence for most of the ride until someone rudely barged into the compartment causing me to harshly flinch and accidentally slam my head into the window. I felt tears unwillingly enter my eyes. I tried to force them away but they slowly started to fall anyway.

I glanced up at the intruder when I heard them gasp. "Y-youre Harry Potter!" I look at the tall boy in confusion. "H-how do you know my name?" I sit up all the way and bring my knees up to my chest, trying to be as small as possible.

"My names Ron, Ron Weasley, and I know your name cause you're like, famous!" I slowly blink at him and process what the red head had just said. "I-im famous? Why?" I see the disbelief if his eyes. "You're famous for defeating the most evil dark lord in like forever!" I just nod and turn back to the window.

"Is it alright if I sit here with you?" I dont look away from the window and just nod slightly even if I would rather be alone. 'So apparently I defeated the dark lord...' I chuckle at the thought. "What are you laughing at?" I glanced up at Ron and immediately flinched when I saw him glaring fiercely at me. "N-nothing! I swear!" He looks doubtful but huffs and turns to the window in silence.

The rest of the train ride was quiet for the most part, except when a blonde haired boy came in and Ron started being super rude to him.

I stuck to myself and quickly rushed off the train as soon as it stopped. I glanced around when I heard a voice yelling for the first years. I stuck to the back of the group and followed them to some boats that were floating in the lake.

"Only four to a boat!"

I climbed into an empty boat and was soon joined by Ron, a boy with brownish-blonde hair, and a girl with frizzy brown hair and two big front teeth.

I blocked out their talking as the boats started moving. When the castle came into view I was blown away, it was absolutely beautiful. When the boats reached the shore I quickly got off the boat and stood behind the rest of the first years.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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