"Sorry... I couldn't help myself" He laughs as she rubs his cheek with her thumb, eventually turning away to finish her job with the flowers before they head out the door

Watching Rachel as she places the flowers in some water, Ross couldn't hide the smile that's been plastered on his face all morning. Knowing it was their date tonight, he knew he had to make it special, that's why he made a reservation in one of New York's top restaurants, after he pulled a few strings to ensure their reservation was all set.

Albeit, it was going to be a very expensive night, but he certainly doesn't mind. This might sound cheesy, but Rachel is Ross' whole world, apart from Ben of course, but that's to be expected. He found himself staring... not in a creepy kind of way of course, but in an admirable way. He really was counting his lucky stars that he is the guy that gets to love Rachel... he's the guy that gets to make her all kinds of happy... that's why, he's making this night so special for them... for her.

"Okay, all done..." Rachel murmurs, breaking Ross out of his little love trance and back to reality

"...you okay?" She asked, noticing his eyes were somewhere else for a split second

"I'm fine sweetie... in fact, I couldn't be any better. I'm just so happy that we're getting to do this, again. Come on, let's head off. Our reservation's in thirty minutes"

Rachel grabs Ross' hand that he held out for her, leading her out the door. After locking up, they made their way down the stairs, out of the building and into the star-covered, New York night.


Their first date went amazing. Rachel was so shocked by where he'd taken them, that she thought he might have been playing a joke on her. She knows the restaurant, and therefore, she knows how expensive it is. She tried to pay half of the bill, but Ross wasn't having any of it, practically throwing his bank card at the waiter before Rachel had time to reach for hers.

They're now taking a stroll through Central Park, Ross' arm wrapped around her shoulders as hers is wrapped around his waist, walking as closely together as they possibly could.

"Thank you for dinner" Rachel spoke, as they begin to walk under a huge arched tree, leaves falling all around, as the crisp New York evening surround them

"It was my pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed" Ross leaves a little kiss on her head as they continue to walk, before eventually stopping and taking a seat on a little park bench... the same park bench they used to sit on all the time back when they dated previously

"I can't believe you took care of the whole bill. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it, but you could've at least let me pay some" Rachel murmured into his chest, her head resting on his buttoned-up jacket

"Rach, there was no way I was going to have you pay for any of it. You deserve every dime spent on you, and tonight, it was my chance to finally treat you at a place I've always wanted to take you. It doesn't matter how much it cost, I would've spent anything for you. I saw how happy you were tonight, and if I can make you feel that way all the time, then I'll do anything to make it happen... even if it means spending money... I'll do anything to show you how much I love you"

Rachel suddenly felt a lump in her throat. She knew Ross was a good guy, but boy, she underestimated him. He's not only a good guy... he's a fantastic guy... exquisite, in fact. Listening to Ross, saying all the nice things he is, is making Rachel feel so warm and fuzzy inside. She has clearly chosen the right guy...

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