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There are four kingdoms that make up the land in Britian. The kingdom of Hearts, representing Loyalty and kindness, the kingdom of Diamonds, representing courage and bravery, the kingdom of Clubs, representing knowledge and creativity, and finally the kingdom of Spades, representing ambition and cunning.

These four kingdoms are full of magic. The Diamond kingdom only has witches and wizards, the Heart kingdom has witches, wizards, and Veela, the Club kingdom has witches, wizards, and shapeshifters, and the Spade kingdom has mostly vampires with a few wizard families.

The Diamond kingdom has always despised the Spade kingdom so the two kingdoms have always been enemies, whereas the Heart and Club kingdoms are neutral.

In the center where all the kingdoms connect, there is a school called Hogwarts. This school is for everyone, no matter where they come from or who they are.

At Hogwarts there are four houses you can be sorted into, and each house is represented by a kingdom. The Heart kingdom represents Hufflepuff, the Club kingdom represents Ravenclaw, the Diamond kingdom represents Gryffindor, and the Spade kingdom represents Slytherin.

There are three groups of magic, consisting of light, Grey, and dark magic. Most all Diamonds have light magic, most all Hearts and Clubs have Grey magic, and most all Spades have dark magic. Of course that doesn't mean every Spade is evil though.

This story is going to be about three brothers who were born into the Spade Kingdom. The king and queen of the Spade Kingdom has had four kids three boys and one girl. All three boys had been kidnapped and don't know of their heritage.

Alexander Cadmus Bellator and Harmony Rose Bellator nee Pendragon were vampires who had been alive for a long time now and had decided that they needed to have a heir.

Thomas Alexander Bellator, their first heir, now known as Tom marvolo Riddle, was kidnapped and place in Wool's orphanage. Thomas was bullied by all of the other children and he was verbally abused by the caretakers. When Albus Dumbledore went to give Thomas his Hogwarts letter he automatically knew that Thomas wasn't going to be manipulated so he ruined Thomas and Thomas became a dark lord. The king and queen were devastated after Thomas was kidnapped so it took them 33 years before they were ready for another child.

Severus Cadmus Bellator, their second heir, now known as Severus Tobias Snape, was also placed in Wool's orphanage after being kidnapped by Albus Dumbledore. Severus was bullied by the other children and verbally and physically abused by the caretakers. When Albus went to give Severus his Hogwarts letter he believed he wouldn't be able to manipulate Severus either, and it was true, until Severus befriended Lily Evans, a witch from the diamond Kingdom. But of course every good thing for Albus must come to an end. Severus joined Thomas and they figured out they were brothers so they started "taking over the world" together. The king and queen were heartbroken for a second time but only waited nineteen and a half years to try for a third child.

In July of 1960 Hadrian Salazar Bellator, their third heir, now known as Harry James Potter, was born. The king and queen tried with all of their power to keep Hadrian safe but it didn't help, he was still kidnapped by Albus and placed in Wool's orphanage. There, Hadrian was bullied by all of the children and raped by some of the older kids. He was also verbally, physically, and sexually abused by the caretakers. When Albus went to give Hadrian his Hogwarts letter he believed Hadrian would be easily manipulated, and that was true, until the Sorting where Harry locked eyes with a disguised Severus.

The king and queen were so devastated again that they decided they weren't going to try for a fourth child. They figured out that they had a spy somewhere so when they accidentally got pregnant they didn't tell anybody.

Soon Samantha Rose Bellator, their fourth and final heir, was born and she has been hidden ever since.

Now let's go back to Hadrian's sorting where this story is going to begin.

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