She smiled timidly and was about to walk around the chief.

"Who are you?" He asked. Naomi pursed her lips, shutting her eyes tightly before she opened them and smiled brightly, complete contrast of her timid smile before.

"I'm new here." Naomi said.

"When I asked you a name, give me name. You have to tell me who you are." He instructed strictly. Because of the events last year, the chief of Hawkins became very strict. Because of the events last year, not because a certain someone has a boyfriend but because of the events last year.

"Naomi Roselle Scott." She said emotionless. The guy was very rude. She doesn't like rude people. With that, she turned around and started to walk away. She entered her black car and drove off.

She was driving mindlessly when her stomach grumbled, aching for food. Somehow her interaction with the very rude chief drained her energy. She turned left and parked outside of a fancy restaurant named Enzo.

She entered the door. She must admit, the decorations seems a bit fancy but the chairs and tables are placed poorly. The tables and chairs are placed so close to each other, no room for privacy.

She was just relieved when she realized that the restaurant have so little customers this time around. The restaurant has only two tables that are occupied. The customers are grouped in three, seems like a family.

Her attention was caught when one of the waiters coughed.

"Table for one miss?" He asked, seemingly bored.

"Table for two." A very familiar voice said behind her. She smiled forcefully to the waiter until he led the way to a vacant table and pulled out a chair, waiting for the two of them. She turned around just to see Dr. Samuel Owens' smiling face.

He smiled and walked to the table, standing beside an empty chair in front of the waiter,  waiting for her to come over and  sit down. She sighed heavily and strutted over to them.

She sat on the chair that was pulled over by the waiter, Owens following. The waiter stood beside them and pulled out a small notebook and a pen.

"What would you like to order?" He asked.

"What would you recommend?" Samuel Owens said, looking happy for some reason. Naomi studied him and attempted to read his thoughts but was cut off when the waiter turned to her.

"I'll just have a creamy pasta and a glass of champagne? I'll just have the red one." She pointed the red champagne on the menu list and said her thank you. The waiter left, leaving the two behind.

"Whatever you are planning, stop it. You won't win anyway." She warned. The older one chuckled.

"I'm not planning anything. I just came to talk. To know you more ---"

"I'm not interested." She cut off, disgusted. The older one looked mortified, it almost made her laugh. Almost.

"Not like that." He snapped, "I have a wife and a kid." He said. Naomi nodded which he took the sign to continue explaining his sudden visit.

"As I was saying, I wanted to know you. Where you've been? What happened? How are you? Are you okay? Why---"

"Why am I doing this?" She, again, cut him off. Samuel Owens nodded. The food appeared, stopping them from their conversation.

Naomi took the fork and started mixing her pasta.

"I suppose you want to know why am I really doing this. I already told you what I am planning and I'm not stopping anytime soon." She started.

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