Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Sloane, I'm jealous now." Ismael pouted his lips while I'm still trying to memorize the math formulas on my paper. "Sloane, I'm your brother."

"I never said you're adopted."

"Yeah, but when are you gonna stop sticking your nose on that paper? You spend more time with it than the total amount of time you talked to me since we're born."

"I have a quiz later, Ismael. And I can't fail that."

"I have a quiz later too. But I'm still here gossipping with you and you're not listening." He still kept his wry face. "Zuo Hang always talk to me even though he has like ten quizzes and twenty meetings to attend."

I put my paper down. "So you're comparing me to him now too?"

"No, and yes." He grimaced. "I think you're forgetting something."

"I'm not forgetting anything."

"Yes you are, and it's something really, really important."

The bell rang.

"I'm going to the room now."

"Obviously." The expression on his face remained. "I hate you now, sis. May you face something tragic today."

"Same to you too" I shrugged and bid him goodbye.


Zuo Hang is sitting beside my seat when I reached him in the room. He's leaning on the chair while his long fingers played with his pen. He seems so relaxed, as if nothing important is coming up in the next hours.

"Aren't you going to review?" I asked, putting my bag and books in place.

"I reviewed last night."

"And that's enough for you?" I raised my brow. I reread my notes last night too, but up until now, I still kept reading again and again, simply to make sure that I know everything.

"It's not really about memorizing, miss. It's about understanding the lesson."

"Yeah, but were talking about Math subject here. Numbers, not just words." And when talking about numbers, there are so many things you have to really keep in mind. Oh how I hate maths. I can't understand those people who makes everything hard and complicated.

"Did you really study last night very well?" I asked Hang and ensconced myself to the seat. "Are you certain you're going to get a high score?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not really setting expectation for myself that much."

I blinked. How carefree he is. He doesn't worry about his grades or his scores. He just lives like a normal person. Not so normal though. Perhaps because he's already an idol, he doesn't feel the need to take school very seriously. He already has his own future at a young age. By the time he's old, I'm sure he's going to receive lots of offers that can earn him money. Acting, maybe.

While me? I'm just a typical girl who doesn't know her dream yet. Her passion, her purpose of living. I'm just someone who's trying to conform with the society's standards.

I continued reviewing and reviewing. Few hours later and at last, it's Math time.

I darted my gaze to the boy beside me.

"This is the 33rd time you've been looking at my face this morning." He commented, grinning as he looked back at me. "You must be realizing that I'm the most handsome in this world."

"I just wanted to remind you about the bet."

"Bet? What bet?" See, he forgot about it.

"If I got a score higher than you, you'll pick me as your muse." He nodded his head.

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