Chapter Four

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I ensconced myself on my seat. It was early morning and there are only few of us inside the classroom. It's a great feeling to be one of those people who go to school early. A refreshing feeling.

I held the books I borrowed from the library and placed them on my table. I picked educational books instead of fictional ones, simply because I promised myself to change my life right now. I started reading the first page.

This is the first day that I will try hard to exceed everything Zuo Hang can do.

"Hello, seatmate." Someone came and placed his bag beside me. Describing from his stone voice, it was obvious who it is. I ignored him and tried to focus on my book. He tried to peek on what I'm currently busy at. "That's a lot of words."

I sighed because I already completely lost my focus the time his presence lingered around. He sits on my side and I already remember how I should be really motivated, how I should work very hard to never be put on second place again.

I faced to the side, opposite from his direction and leaned the book on my legs instead. I continued reading, not minding whatever he says and simply imagining that the one sitting beside me is a ghost.

Before having my 'surpass Zuo Hang' mission, I made up some rules.

And rule number one is to never talk to him.

Observing myself in the past, I always get pissed whenever I reply to him. He gives me those annoying smirk of his while I end up being pissed of to the core.

"Ohh, ignoring me, huh?" He muttered behind me when I pretend not to hear him at all. "Aren't you going to ask why I'm now sitting beside you?"

I bit my lips. I'm honestly curious and wanted to ask why, but I no longer care. If I have a 'surpass Zuo Hang' mission, well he has 'annoy Sloane' mission. I continued to ignore him.

But he kept talking and talking, mostly about what he did today,  yesterday, the other day, and the other week. Why can't he just shut up atleast for a minute?

There was a smile on his face when I finally turned towards his direction. But instead of talking to him, I slumped a piece of paper on his table.

Shut up. I'm reading. Talk more and I won't hesitate to push you off your seat.

"Ohh wow, is this a love letter?"

I closed my eyes, trying to hold my temper. But after a while, he finally shut his mouth and didn't speak any word again. He was so quiet that I almost forgot he actually exists beside me.

I closed my book after I finished reading and put it on the storage under my table. There's still five minutes left before the class will start.

"So?" He started speaking again once he saw that I'm done reading. He put his head on top of the table, his eyes towards me. I met those eyes for a second but looked away immediately.

"I'm going to your shop this afternoon." He spoke, making my brows furrow. "And I'm going to help you in your studies if I notice you having a hard time."

I couldn't help but speak. "I told you, I—"

"I'm not doing this because you need my help. I'm doing this because my mother told me to do so. And to tell you, I'm a very obedient son."

I didn't manage to speak, but my hands are already clenching in fists.

"But don't worry, I wont help you in your shop. That's already your own business to handle. I'll just go there and have some coffee."

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