Both of us glared at each other before walking down the stage, him taking the opposite direction from mine.


The clock ticked to twelve, it's finally lunch time. I went straight out the room, holding my books, without waiting for anyone. I am that type of student who doesn't have any friends at school. That doesn't mean that my classmates don't like me though. I just prefer distancing myself from the crowd as I grab my trophy of success.

I smiled at every other students I meet on my way to the canteen. Let's just hope that would add up to my points for them to vote me as their council president. If you want people to like you, you have to show them that you like them.

I continued exchanging small talks with people. Everything was filled with enthusiasm, not until someone's voice reached my sharp ears.

"It's obvious Zuo Hang would win. He's far popular than her. She's wasting her time."

My hand turned into a fist and darted to her direction. "And you're wasting your saliva too." I couldn't help but snap back at the girl who was too busy chatting with her friend. Her eyes rounded when I stepped close to her. Funny how people were so brave to criticize you behind your back, yet are actually scared when you face them eye to eye. They both ran out of sight as quick as possible, almost sliding on the floor.

I smiled at the students watching us, as if nothing happened. Then took my order right after I entered the cafeteria.

I was in the middle of my meal and reading my science book when another voice fell on my ears. This time, the stoney one.

It belongs to him, definitely.

"I suggest you not to be so messy while having your lunch, miss."

Messy? I glanced at him, confused. I then looked down at the thing his finger is currently pointing at — the floor which is filled with scattered french fries and catsup.

"Those aren't mine." I said, ignoring it and continued with my food.

"But its under your table. Meaning it's your responsibility."

I made a sigh and raised my head to meet his gaze. I still remained on my seat, trying to seem calm even though I'm starting to burn inside.

"Excuse me, you're not the president yet. Stop acting like one as if that would actually happen. Or say, as if I will let that happen."

"I was simply talking about the trash under your chair. Everyone has that privilege whether or not they have a title." I noticed how some other students are already looking in our way. He smirked. "Don't be so red headed."

Well, his statement just made me more red headed. I stood up, my cheeks starting to heat up out of anger.

"Oh, you want me to clean the floor?" I knelt down and took hold of the catsup on the floor, then slipped it right at his uniform, 'accidentally.'

"Oops," I acted surprised as his eyes slightly widened after what I did. "Look at your shirt, so dirty. Better change it."

"You made it dirty." He glared.

"But it's your shirt. So it's your responsibility." I simply returned back what he said.

His glaring eyes turned into a condescending one. He sighed and loosened his necktie, then pulled it from his collar.

What is he doing? Don't tell me...
My eyes widened when he started friggin unbuttoning his shirt!

I covered my eyes with my elbow immediately. Dear heavens, my eyes are completely innocent! "Wha—what are you doing?!"

"Taking responsibility of my shirt. You said I should change it right?" I felt him try to meet my eyes as I still covered it with my elbow. I closed my eyes tightly.

Seriously? Right in front of me?! I definitely wanted to cover my eyes with my hands but they're all filled with sticky catsup.

And the next thing, everyone 's laughing. I opened my eyes. I went calmer, realizing that he's actually wearing a white undershirt.

"Did you expect to see something?" Someone spoke behind him, another boy giving me a teasing smile. I stuck my tongue out. Ismael started laughing with Zuo Hang.

"So nice of you to make friends with my rival." I snapped at my twin brother.

My vision was all clear when everything got suddenly covered by white. I could smell a 'baby-like' fragrance too.

"Wash my shirt. I'd get it by tomorrow. Thank you."

I grabbed Zuo Hang's uniform off my face. I take back what I said. His shirt is not fragrant at all.

"You're welcome." I said sarcastically and used it to wipe the left catsup on my hands. Lucky for him I was still kind enough not to use his shirt to mop the floor.


Everyone ran towards their friends right after school, but not me. I have so much more important things to do other than hanging out on the road or taking shoppings, whatever. After all, I'm honestly broke.

"Mother invited you to have dinner with us at home," Ismael said when I was on my way down the stairs. I strolled down faster as I don't want him to keep up with me, nor do I want to accept his invite.

He still managed to keep up with my pace, calling my name repeatedly.

"You know the answer is no." I said and continued walking quickly.

"Sloane, at least try to go home. Don't you miss our parents?"

I ignored him but he still continued chasing me.

"Even the dishes you have to wash?" he added.

"Why? What happened?" Zuo Hang suddenly appeared out of nowhere and joined Ismael. The besties are now together again and that equates to serious danger. Damn, I want to run but I don't want to catch attention at this moment. There were so many students outside their rooms.

"Sloane doesn't wanna go home, it's been a month since she left."


"Long story," Ismael shrugged. "Sloane, wait up!"

I started slipping between people who are passing by. Luckily some other people make way for me themselves. I grunted when my brother started shouting my name, along with his freny.

"Sloane! How about your baby? Don't you want to see him again?!" Ismael shouted and I stopped on my steps, turning around. My brother won't stop trying to make fallacies until I talk to him. That's how attention seeking he is! The two boys catched their breath when they finally reached me.

"Wait, your sister has a baby?" Zuo Hang's eyes widened, looking at me with disbelief. "Hold on, is that why your parents were so angry at her? that's why she left the house?"

I thinned my lips. I hate it. I hate remembering that day. That day when my parents shoved to my face how much of a failure I am. That day when my parents told me to leave the house since I am not at all worthy. My fingers started to uncontrollably shake when their sword-like words flashed back in my mind. I feel stabbed in my chest over and over. 

"Uhh, no actually." Ismael gulped as he saw my eyes squint at his friend.
"Uhm, okay, I'll just tell mom that you're busy." Ismael said and pulled his friend away from me.

"What? Did I say something wrong? And how did she get that baby of hers?" Hang continued to ask but Ismael shushed him as they went away.

Zuo Hang is the reason why I left the house. He is the reason why my parents are so mad at me that time. Because they always compared me to him. Because my parents always expected me to be best, but he beat me. He was seen as better than me. He received everything I wanted.

But this time, I won't let myself get lost to him again.

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